TO: EES Program Administrators
FROM: Kathe Decker
DATE: April 23, 2012
SUBJECT: Implementation Instructions - KEESM Revision #54
This memo provides implementation instructions and information for the following May 1, 2012 policy changes in the Kansas Economic and Employment Support Manual (KEESM).
- Successful Families
Hardship – See Summary of Change III, A, 2, and KEESM 2240, 2243 and 2243.2.
KEESM changes are being made to reflect the intent of the time limit policy. Households who have received 48 or more months of assistance and fail to cooperate with work programs or Child Support Enforcement lose their designation of hardship and are ineligible to reopen.
Households who are receiving assistance past 48 months and have a hardship as defined in numbers 1 through 4, may continue receiving assistance to 60 months without review by the executive review team. Those needed an extension to 60 months for hardship number 5 will be sent for approval to the executive review team. Staff should use the ES-4308 to assist in determining if an extension is warranted.
Examples using the Time Extension chart:
- Low functioning customer, may not be eligible for Social Security: Lisa has 3 children and has been on TAF for 45 months. She lives with her mother who helps Lisa care for her children. Lisa works part time for the local school district in the cafeteria 5 days a week. Lisa’s IQ is in the low 70’s. She has been denied Social Security, and her advocate does not recommend an appeal. If Lisa was not able to increase her hours or locate employment with more hours, she could be granted a hardship exemption. Send the Time extension worksheet along with documentation to the Executive Review Team for a hardship extension determination.
Total 25 pts: Consider Exemption
- Approaching 60 months and not yet worked with: Marie has been on TAF for 44 months. She has one child. Marie has not been engaged for 2 years. An IST is scheduled, along with a review to discuss time limits and SRS services. There have been no assessments completed. While working with Marie, the case manager identifies possible mental health issues. A psychological evaluation is completed. Marie is identified as being bi-polar and counseling is recommended. She agrees to counseling weekly, and is successfully attending. Since Marie has had limited contact with the agency, she could be granted a hardship extension. Send the Time Extension worksheet along with documentation to the Executive Review Team for a hardship determination.
Total 21 pts: Consider an extension
- Case at 47 months: Ron has one child, age 16, and been off and on assistance for 47 months. Ron is a self-employed carpenter. He recently fell off a ladder and broke his leg which required surgery. He will be in a cast for up to 3 months. Ron will be unable to work during this time. Ron may or may not score at least 20 on the Time limit Extension guide. If the region determines a hardship should be determined by the Executive Review team, send supporting documentation for review. The Executive Review team may or may not grant a 3 month extension.