Family Services
DCF Administration Building
555 S. Kansas Ave., 6th Floor
Topeka, KS 66603


Regional Directors
Economic and Employment Services Program Administrators
Economic and Employment Services Staff
Prevention and Protection Services Administrators
Other Staff


Summary of Changes for Kansas Economic and Employment Services Manual (KEESM) Revision No. 107 effective October 1, 2022


A brief overview of the major changes is described below. Other clarifications and technical corrections are also included and described in the next section. Additional technical corrections not mentioned here are being incorporated in KEESM as needed.


A brief overview of the major changes is provided below. Other clarifications and technical corrections are also included and described in the next section. Additional technical corrections not mentioned here are being incorporated in KEESM as needed.

Food Assistance –

This revision incorporates the annual adjustments to the Food Assistance program that are effective October 1 of each year. These changes will be processed in KEES. This batch will run before negative action in September.

The minimum allotment increased to $23. In Kansas, there is an approximate 12.5% increase in the maximum benefit. The increase is based on the re-evaluation of the Thrifty Food Plan. The Thrifty Food Plan is based on current food prices, food composition data, consumption patterns, and dietary guidance. The increase is permanent and does not include any Pandemic relief funding.

The resource limit for households with at least one member who is age 60 or older or disabled increased to $4250 and all other households the resource limit increased to $2750. The asset limit for elderly and disabled households will also serve as the threshold for substantial lottery or gambling winnings.

New state legislation requires all Able-bodied Adults without Dependents (ABAWDs) who are not employed at least 30 hours a week to participate in Food Assistance Employment & Training (E&T) for 30 hours per week.


  1. Child Care

    1. Changes

      1. Provider Responsibilities – KEESM section 10034 is being modified to add the responsibility of child care providers to have a policy in place to allow a 60 day “grace period” for homeless families and foster families to provide verifications.



  2. Employment Services

    1. Changes

      1. Employment &Training Program – Able-bodied Adults without Dependents (ABAWDs) who are not employed at least 30 hours a week to participate in Food Assistance Employment & Training (E&T) for 30 hours per week.

    2. Clarifications


  3. Food Assistance

    1. Changes

      1. Annual Adjustments to the Food Assistance Program Standards – Effective October 1, 2022 the following documents are being updated to incorporate the annual federal adjustments to the Food Assistance program. The standard deduction for households’ size 1-4 has increased to $193. The standard deduction for household size of 5 has increased to $225. There is an increase in the gross and net income limits, and an increase in the maximum excess shelter deduction. The Food Assistance mass change process will run all Food Assistance cases through EDBC for October 2022, with information currently in KEES, which can cause benefits to change or cases to be discontinued. Examples include, income changes, verification date of death, etc. Households will be notified of any changes to their benefits with the mass change notice issued after rollover in September.

        Documents being changed are:

        Appendix Item F-2, Food Assistance Program Standards

        Appendix Item F-3, Food Assistance Benefit Tables

        Form ES-1510.1, Computation of Food Assistance Benefit

      2. Standard Deduction – Section 7222 is being modified to increase the standard deduction amounts. The new amounts effective October 1, 2022 are:

        Household size 1-4 = $193

        Household size 5 = $225

        Household size 6 or more = $258

      3. Shelter Costs – Section 7266, 7226.3 and 7226.6 are being modified to change the excess shelter deduction to $624. The SUA is increasing to $442, and the LUA is increasing to $306. The telephone standard is increasing to $40.The Homeless Shelter Expense is increasing to $166.81.

      4. Resources – Section 5120 and 9122.6(1)(c) vii. Question 6 are being modified to reflect the increase in the resource limits for Food Assistance. The resource limit for households with at least one member who is age 60 or older or is disabled increased to $4,250 and all other households the resource limit increased to $2,750.

      5. Food Assistance Standards – Section 7420 is being modified to reflect the increase in the minimum FA benefit of $23.

      6. Reporting Requirements – Section 9122.1 is being modified to reflect increase in substantial lottery or gambling winnings to $4,250 or greater.

      7. Able-bodied Adults without Dependents (ABAWDs) – ABAWDs not meeting the 30 hour per week work requirement will be required to participate in the Food Assistance E&T program 30 hours per week.

        1. Section 2515 is being modified to reflect changes in mandatory E&T participation requirements and participant reimbursement

        2. Section 2520 is being modified to reflect the new 3-year ABAWD period and adding mandatory Food Assistance E&T participation requirements and violations.

        3. Section 2521 is being modified to include clarification regarding exemptions overriding Food Assistance Violation period.

        4. Section 2522 is being modified to reflect changes in ABAWD mandatory E&T participation requirements.

        5. Section 2523 is being modified to reflect ABAWD mandatory E&T participation requirements to continue to receive 3-month ABAWD extension period.

        6. Section 2527(1) is being modified to reflect the change in ABAWD mandatory Food Assistance E&T participation and changes in E26 form name and requirements.

        7. Section 3100(2)(c) is being modified to include the mandatory ABAWD Food Assistance E&T participation requirements.

        8. Section 3100.1(2) is being modified to reflect that the E-26 is required to be completed verbally with ABAWDs.

        9. Section 3100.2(2)(a) is being modified to reflect the change in mandatory ABAWD Food Assistance E&T requirements.

        10. X. Section 3110.3 is being added to include participation hour and component requirements for the mandatory ABAWD Food Assistance E&T program.

        11. Section 3140(1)(2)(3) are being added to reflect Self-Sufficiency Agreement requirements for all employment programs.

        12. XII. Section 3220.1 is being modified to reflect the change in mandatory ABAWD Food Assistance E&T requirements.

        13. XIII. Section 3310.8 is being modified to reflect a change in Food Assistance E&T activity requirements and to reflect that some activities are only used for TANF and GOALs.

        14. XIV. Section 3420.1 is being modified to reflect new participant requirements for the Food Assistance E&T program.

        15. Section 3500(2) is being added for mandatory Food Assistance E&T program good cause reasons.

        16. Section 3530.1 is being added to reflect additional mandatory Food Assistance E&T good cause criteria.

        17. Section 3540(2) is being added to reflect ABAWD mandatory Food Assistance E&T participant requirements.

      8. Review Periods for Food Assistance – Section 9372(2) is being added to include 6-month review period for households residing in shelters for battered persons and children to correspond with section 2543.1.

    2. Clarifications


  4. TANF

    1. Changes

      1. Resource Limit – The maximum allowable nonexempt resource limit for cash is being increased to $2,750. Section 5110 and 9121 are being modified to reflect this increase.

    2. Clarifications


FORMS (Explanation provided if not mentioned previously in this summary.)

Food Assistance

1510.1, Computation of Food Assistance Benefit

APPENDIX (Explanation provided if not mentioned previously in this summary.)

Employment Services

E-7 and E-7(s), E&T Self-Sufficiency Agreement (English/Spanish)

E-8 and E-8(s), TANF Self-Sufficiency Agreement (English/Spanish)

E-9 and E-9(s), GOALS Self-Sufficiency Agreement (English/Spanish)

E-10, Employment Services Program Comparison Chart

Food Assistance

F-2, Food Assistance Program Standards

F-3, Food Assistance Benefit Tables

E-26 and E-26(s), Consolidated Work Requirements

Child Care

C-10 and C-10(s), Child Care Provider Handbook (ES-1655)

C-11 and C-11(s), Parent – Provider Partnership Handbook (ES-1656)

  • These handbooks are being updated to reflect a change in child care provider responsibilities

MISCELLANEOUS FORMS (Explanation provided if not mentioned previously in this summary.)


All changes are effective October 1, 2022.

EFFECT ON LOCAL STAFF (No significant effect if not explained below.)


Child Care W-11, Over 85% SMI Worksheet

  • Worksheet is being removed from the appendix, as it is obsolete now that the KEES system determines if income exceeds 85% SMI and the Hero Relief Program has ended.


This change was coordinated with staff in Economic and Employment Services (EES), Executive leadership, and the EES Program Administrators.

Sandra Kimmons, EES Director
Economic and Employment Services

Page Last Updated: November 30, 2022 12:45 PM