TO: Area Directors RE: Errata - Kansas Economic and Employment Support Manual (KEESM) Revision No. 7 A technical wording error has been discovered on Page 9-1 of KEESM Revision No. 7 regarding food stamp households subject to monthly reporting. This error, along with a few other wording changes for clarification have been made to this page. Item 9000(1)(b)(i) is cuurently worded to say that food stamp recipients are required to monthly report if the FS PI is receiving TAF, is the PI for the TAF program, and is subject to monthly reporting for TAF (with one exception). A case example was brought to our attention that made this wording problematic. The case situation is that of an SSI mother, non-elderly or disabled spouse and children. The SSI mother is the TAF PI. Because not all adults in the household are elderly or disabled, the case is subject to monthly reporting for TAF. A literal reading of the manual as worded would indicate that this case should be exempt from monthly reporting for FS since the TAF/FS PI is not receiving TAF. This was not our intent, therefore the wording has been changed in item (b) of this section to read that food stamp cases are required to monthly report if the FS PI is a TAF mandatory filing unit member, is the PI for the TAF program and is subject to monthly reporting for TAF. To the greatest extent possible, the person required to report changes to SRS for TAF and FS purposes should have only one reporting requirement to remember. Please remove page 9-1 dated 10-01 and replace it with the attached page 9-1 dated 10-18-01. Sincerely, SH:PJ:jmm Attachment |
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