Department of Social and Rehabilitation
Janet Schalansky, Secretary
Service Delivery - Candy Shively,
Deputy Secretary (785) 296-3271
and Employment Support - Bobbi Mariani, Director
(785) 296-3349
To: |
Chiefs, Tier Managers,
Date: |
April 15,
Updated April 30, 2004
From: |
RE: |
Instructions, KEESM Revision
18, Effective May 1, 2004 |
memo provides implementation instructions
and information for the following May
1, 2004 KEESM Changes:
• Paternity of Alleged Father in the Home
- KEESM 2167
• Hardship for Persons Who Have Received 60 Months of Cash Assistance in
Another State - KEESM 2241 and 2243
• Time-Limited Assistance - KEESM 2240
• Mandatory SUA , Limited Utility Allowance and no proration of the SUA
- KEESM 7227.1
• Employment Assessment Process - KEESM 3310.4(4)
• OARS - KEESM 3310.4 (11)
• TAF Participation Requirements - KEESM 3110
• Disability Employment Services - KEESM 3310.4 (3)
• TAF Only Work Related Exemption - KEESM 3220
Paternity of Alleged Father in the Home
[See Summary of Changes, item III, A. (1).] A birth certificate
may be used to verify paternity for a child born on
or after July 1, 1994. The birth certificate may not
be used to verify paternity for children born prior
to July 1, 1994. The narrative line on the referral
to CSE, an e-mail message, or other locally-coordinated
procedures can be used to notify CSE that paternity
was verified by a birth certificate. Staff were instructed
via a memo from EES Director Bobbi Mariani, dated February
20, 2004, to implement this practice immediately.
The above provision does not apply if either of the following
conditions exist:
a. The mother was legally married to someone
else at the time of the child’s birth;
b. The mother was divorced (final decree issued) within the
300 days prior to the child’s birth.
In the two above situations, EES is to make
a regular referral to CSE for paternity establishment.
This paternity must be resolved by a court;
expedited paternity is not applicable.
Hardship for Persons Who Have Received
60-Months of Cash Assistance in Another
[See Summary of Changes, item III, A. (3)] A
family applying for TAF cash assistance in
Kansas who has already received 60-months
of cash assistance in Kansas or another state
or states may qualify for hardship in Kansas
if they meet any of criteria 1-4 of KEESM
Section 2243, which are age, disability, care
of a disabled household member, and time to
overcome the effects of domestic violence.
This change is applicable to all applications
processed on or after May 1, 2004. This includes
applications filed prior to May 1 which are
processed after May 1, 2004.
Note: The information which
is currently in KEESM 2243 was inadvertently
left out of the May revision. The information
omitted is the guidelines to follow when an
adult in hardship status fails to meet a work
requirement. An Errata to the May revision
is being issued. These guidelines will be
included in the Errata. Until then, continue
to follow the current policy when an individual
in hardship status fails to meet a work requirement.
Staff may want to print the current page of
KEESM Section 2243 to refer to until the Errata
is issued.
Time-Limited Assistance
[See Summary of Changes, item III, B (1)] A clarification
has been added that months of cash assistance received
by an adult while living on an Indian Reservation of
at least 1,000 people with an unemployment rate among
adults of at least 50 percent do not count toward the
60 month time limit. Currently, no Reservations in Kansas
meet this criteria, but someone moving into Kansas who
had lived on such a reservation could be affected by
this rule. If staff become aware that a recipient has
resided on such a reservation and has had those months
of assistance counted toward the 60-month time limit,
staff should correct the 60-month counter on MOCA.
Mandatory Standard Utility Allowance
(SUA) and Limited Standard Utility Allowance
[See Summary of Changes, item V, A. (1).] Effective May 1,
2004 the SUA of $262 will be mandatory for households who
have a heating or cooling expense. Households will no longer
be allowed to claim actual utility expenses, with one minor
exception. If the household does not have a heating or cooling
expense, but has at least two other utility expenses, either
water/sewer/garbage (if billed separately, counts as one
expense), telephone or electricity (not used to heat or cool),
the household must use the LUA of $168. If the household
only incurs water/sewer/garbage (if billed separately counts
as one expense) or electricity (not used to heat or cool)
the household is not entitled to the SUA or LUA and must
use actual expense(s). In addition to the above, effective
May 1, the SUA will no longer be prorated when households
share utility costs. Implementation of these changes will
occur as follows:
Applications/Reviews -
The policies described above must be
applied to all applications and reviews
received or processed on or after May
1, 2004. The policies may also be applied to
the to the benefit month of May when
processing an application/review on
or after April 26.
Applications that are processed in April
must follow prior policy for benefit
months of April or earlier. As noted
above, if benefits will be ongoing, the
new policies may be applied to the benefit
month of May on or after April
26. This will be easier for staff to
implement and will result in less follow-up
and handling of the case at a later date.
Applications received in April, but processed
in May will follow the new policies,
even for month(s) prior to May.
Proration of the SUA -
Food stamp programs active effective
4/23 with a prorated SUA will
be automatically changed to the full
SUA with rollover in April effective
for the benefit month of June.
This will be done by converting the value
in the " # HH Sharing SUA" field
on EXNS to an "01".
The SUA sharing field will then become a protected field
for the benefit month of May, effective
Monday April 26th. The system will not allow the SUA
to be prorated for any processing done on or after that
date for the benefit month of May -
on applications or supplemental benefits done for the
month of May. The system will automatically calculate
FS benefits for May and beyond based on a non-shared
SUA regardless of what displays on EXNS. If the field
displays a number greater than 01, benefit amounts will
be determined using the full SUA. Cases that may be
impacted are those which are processed starting April
26, have a shared SUA in a month prior to 5/04; and
have eligibility determined for a benefit month prior
to 5/04. Since the "# HH Sharing" field
is protected starting with the benefit month of May,
the only way to change the value in that field for May
is by entering through EXNS. When you return to EXNS,
the system will reset the value to 01.
Ongoing Cases Using Actual Utility
Expenses - A report will
be generated around April 26 listing
all active FS cases with actual
utility expense codes on EXNS. The
report will list the following codes:
EL, GB, GS, OT, UI or WA. The sort
will be alpha by client name and
section/unit/caseload, with page
breaks by caseload. The report will
be available on SAR with the SAR
ID of SWY01SUA-R01.
Staff shall use this report to determine
if the household is entitled to
the SUA, LUA or only actual expenses. Cases
must be changed as appropriate according
to the new policies for the benefit
month of June, 2004. A
follow up printout will be produced
in early June to determine if any
cases remain coded with actual expenses
that need the SUA or LUA coding.
If a case has a decrease in benefits
due to mandated use of the SUA or
LUA, the following suggested wording
shall be added to the notice:
"This change in benefits may also
be due to a statewide change in policy.
Effective May 1, 2004, food stamp households
can no longer use actual utility expenses
in determining the amount of food stamp
benefits. Your food stamp benefits are
now being determined using the Standard
Utility Allowance of $262."
Application Forms - Application
forms (including the on-line) ask consumers
if they wish to use the SUA. This sentence
will be removed from future versions
of the applications as they are revised.
Until that time, Areas can either mark
through that question on paper versions
of the application, or allow applicants
to answer the question and if they answer "no" ,
staff will need to explain that use of
the SUA became mandatory effective May
1, 2004. (We understand many paper applications
are already at access points and cannot
be modified.) A work request will be
prepared to change the on-line application
to remove that question, but, again,
until that is done any requests for use
of actual utility expenses will require
an explanation that the policy has changed
and these are no longer allowed.
ES-3103 - Income/Expense Worksheet -
A box to check for the LUA has been added
to the Utilities box on the bottom right
hand corner of the form. This was not
completed until after Revision 18 was
finalized, so the corrected form will
be issued via the Errata process. Staff
will be notified when the corrected form
is in the KEESM. The Quattro Pro version
will also be corrected at that time and
sent to field staff.
New Codes - The following
codes have been added to the KAECSES
code cards effective May 1, 2004:
• LU - Limited Utility Allowance -
like the SU code, the amount of the allowance
should not be included when using this
code. The system will pull the correct
amount from the utility standard table.
• WS - Water/Sewer/Trash -
this new code has been added for use
on EXNS when the household has one or
multiple bills for these expenses (And
is just entitled to actual expenses per
policy). Enter the correct amount of
actual expenses when using this code.
Notices - Special wording
will be added to the mass change notice
issued with rollover that will explain
that the change in benefits might also
be due to this policy change. In addition,
the V004 - Landlord Letter, has been
revised as a result of these changes
to gather more specific information about
shelter and utility expenses.
Examples - These examples
should help illustrate this policy change-
HH applies on
4/05/04. Requests
actual utility
expenses. Application
is processed
on 4/20. Actual
expenses must
be used when
processing the
for the month
of April. Since
this case is
processed before
rollover, the
case will be
listed on the
special report
of cases using
actual utility
expenses and
the case will
need to be changed
to either the
one actual expense
for the benefit
month of June.
Example 2: HH applies
on 4/20/04. Wants to use actual expenses
and is entitled to the SUA. Application
processed on May 5th. The SUA is now
mandatory, and it would be allowed for
the benefits months of April, May and
Example 4: HH applies
on 4/8/04. Entitled to the LUA of $168.
Application is processed on May 4th.
The LUA is allowed for April and May
benefit months.
Example 5: HH applies
on 4/10/04. Entitled to the SUA and shares
utility expenses with another family.
Application processed on 4/27. The SUA
must be prorated for April. The SUA would
not be prorated for May. Since this case
was not active at the time of rollover
(to benefit from the automated processing),
the benefit month of May is approved
using the new policy on 4/27.
Example 6: Ongoing case
with prorated SUA. "# HH Sharing
SUA" field is coded with an "03".
Rollover runs and the "# HH Sharing
SUA" field is converted to an "01" for
the benefit month of June 04. Information
requested is provided and supplemental
benefits for May are authorized on May
3rd due to an additional household member.
When EXNS is accessed for May the "#
HH Sharing SUA" field will be coded
with an "03" and it will be
locked. After entering through EXNS,
the field is changed to "01",
and the May supplemental benefits will
be calculated using the full SUA. June’s
benefits will also be calculated with
the full SUA.
Changes Necessary to Meet Federal Participation
After Loss of TANF Waiver
The majority of work program changes in KEESM
Revision 18 were issued in Policy Memo 03-12-03
which also contained the implementation instructions
for those changes. Policy Memo 03-12-03 will
be obsolete effective May 1, 2004. The previously
issued instructions with additional clarifications
[See Summary of Changes, item VII. A. (1).] All TAF applications
received after January 1, 2004, will start the EAP process
beginning with the date of the TAF application unless
exempt from work program requirements or victims of
domestic violence or sexual assault.
Job Search /Job Readiness Components
[See Summary of Changes, item VII. A. (2).] In order to meet
federal work participation requirements placed on the
state without the TANF waiver, between January 1 and
June 30, 2004 staff will review the self sufficiency
plan with each TAF participant in the following activities
and modify the plan appropriately: Individual Job Search
(IND), Physical Health Care (PHC), Job Readiness Case
Management (JCM), Group Job Search (GRP), Social Security
Applicants (SSA), Employment Related Workshops (ERW),
Mental Health Care (MHC), Applicant Job Search (AJS),
and Children and Family Services (CFS). The monthly
Prospective TAF Participation Listing provided by central
office may be used to aid in this process. Clients who
are working on these barriers as part of the ongoing
assessment process will be placed in the Employment
Assessment Process (EAP) component.
Employment Assessment Process
[See Summary of Changes, item VII. A. (4).]
- For two-parent families: In
order to meet the more stringent federal
work participation requirement placed
on the state for two-parent families,
case managers will review self-sufficiency
plans of all two-parent cases. By January
31, 2004, these cases with parents currently
in the following assignments were to
have been modified to show each parent
in EAP for 30 hours per week with a start
date of December 1, 2003: Individual
Job Search (IND); Physical Health Care
(PHC); Job Readiness Case Management
(JCM); Group Job Search (GRP); Social
Security Applicant (SSA); Employment
Related Workshops (ERW); Mental Health
Care (MHC); Applicant Job Search (AJS);
and Children and Family Services (CFS).
- For one-parent families: In
order to meet the federal work participation
requirements placed on the state, case
managers will review self-sufficiency
plans with all one-parent families between
January 1 and June 30, 2004 and modify
the plans appropriately.
Each area’s or region’s plan for
monitoring EAP were to have been developed
by March 31, 2004 and reviewed/updated as
needed. There is currently no federal requirement
that community service assignments be monitored.
However, when TANF is reauthorized, there
may be a requirement that community service
assignments are supervised.
Orientation, Assessment, Referral, Safety
[See Summary of Changes, item VII. A. (5).] Between January
1 and June 30 2004 staff will review the self sufficiency
plans for all TAF recipients in the OAR component and modify
the OAR component assignment to "0" scheduled hours
per week. Coding clients in "0" hours will not
negatively impact the state’s federal work participation
rate as the state may be excused from meeting the required
participation rate if the state demonstrates that it meets
the rates if domestic violence cases are removed from the
The TANF report has been modified to identify
OARS recipients. These individuals now show
as "OARS" in the "alert" column.
If the client fails to meet participation,
there will be a "0" in the "meet" column
instead of an "F". An OARS column
that tallies the number of OARS cases that
failed participation has also been added to
the summary portion of the report. A "0" still
counts as failing participation, but this
column allows management to give a worker
credit for any OARS case that failed.
TAF Participation Requirements
[See Summary of Changes, item VII. B. (1).] The federal TANF
data report already gives full work participation credit
to one-parent families with a child under age six who are
engaged in work or work activities for at least 20 hours
per week. Some one-parent TAF families with children under
age 6 may currently be assigned to work program activities
that exceed 20 hours per week. As EES staff complete work
program progress reviews between January 1 and June 30, 2004
for these one- parent families with a child under age 6,
consideration should be given to whether an assignment of
over 20 hours per week is appropriate for the individual
case situation. No change is required if plans over 20 hours
per week continue to be appropriate.
Disability Employment Services
[See Summary of Changes, item VII. A. (3).] The EES and RS
Coordination Team’s recommendations on improved
integration of services and efficiencies for both consumers
and staff were incorporated in KEESM 3310.4(3), revised
forms ES 4308 and ES 4315, and KEESM Appendix Items
113, 114, 115, and 116. We encourage EES and RS staff
to meet locally to determine if use of these strategies
and forms would enhance collaboration and integration
of services.
Use of the revised ES 4308 and ES 4315 begins with referrals
on or after May 1, 2004.
Note: The accessible format version of these forms and Appendix
items will be issued in an Errata to KEESM Revision 18. The
ES 4308 and ES 4315 will also be retitled to the IS 4308
and IS 4315 to reflect the integrated utilization of the
these forms.
TAF Only Work Related Exemption
[See Summary of Change, item VII. B. (2).] Clarification
of the use of the child under age one exemption was
incorporated into this revision. This clarification
may represent a change for some staff. Work related
exemptions should be monitored at the next eligibility
review to assure the exemption is consistent with the
current interpretation.
If you have any questions about this material,
please forward TAF cash assistance questions
to Diane Dykstra, food assistance questions
to Pam Jacob and work programs questions to
Paula Gibson.