Authorizing Benefits with a Temporary Unemployment Plan


KEES does not allow Working Healthy coverage for individuals who do not meet earned income requirements; however, an individual may receive Working Healthy for up to 4 months if the user authorizes a Temporary Unemployment Plan.  This coverage would only be set up on a consumer who had originally been receiving Working Healthy benefits in those situations.

Authorize a Temporary Unemployment Plan

  1. Navigate to the Employment List page to create an employer with the name Temporary Unemployment Plan.

  2. Click the Add button to navigate to the Employment Detail page.

  3. Complete the following fields:

  4. Click the Save and Return button to navigate back to the Data Collection pages.

  5. Navigate to the Income List page and complete the following fields:

  6. Click the Add button. The Income Detail page displays.

  7. Complete the following fields:

  8. Click the Add button. The Income Amount Detail page displays.

  9. Complete the following fields:

  10. Click the Save and Return. The Income Detail page displays.

  11. Click the Save and Return. The Income List page displays.

    NOTE:  Remember to End Date the Income for the Employment that has ended using the <mm/dd/yyyy> format or the calendar icon.

  12. Run EDBC in the month of change and Accept and Save the results.

  13. Review system generated NOA(s) and if needed delete any incorrect system generated NOA and send a Manual NOA (form).

  14. Create a detailed Journal entry describing actions taken on case.

NOTE: If an individual has a Temporary Unemployment Plan (TUP) and qualifies for Medically Improved, follow Authorizing Benefits with a Temporary Unemployment Plan first. Once this is in place, follow the Working Healthy Medically Improved Override Process. This override process is needed when a TUP is used in conjunction with Medically Improved even if the individual works more than 40 hours a week.