Determine Resource Eligibility for Application Month


If determining LTC program eligibility in addition to the Resource Assessment for the application month, follow these steps.

From the Case Summary page:

  1. Click the View Details button to access the Resource Assessment Only medical program block.

  2. Click the button on the Medical Program Detail page.

  3. Click the Edit button in the Program Persons section.

  4. Click the Add button in the Requested Medical Type section.

  5. Select LTC as the Requested Medical Type.

  6. Enter the Begin Month as the month of application.

  7. Click the Save and Return button until the Case Summary page displays.

  8. Complete the applicable Non-Financial Data Collection pages for the application including the LTC Data Detail page. To complete the LTC Data Detail page:

  9. Complete all applicable Financial Data Collection pages for the application, including the Resource Detail page. When completing the Resource Detail page enter the information and values for the Resource Assessment Date.

  10. Click the Run EDBC button. The EDBC List page displays. See Running EDBC for detailed steps.

  11. Select the Medical hyperlink with a Run Status of Not Accepted and review the EDBC Summary.

  12. Click the Accept button the EDBC result on the Medical EDBC Summary if the EDBC is correct.

  13. Click the Save and Continue button on the EDBC List page. The Distributed Document Search page displays.
    NOTE: See Forms and NOAs and Journal for steps on sending notification and documenting case action.