Incorrect IBU Built When Tax Filer Does Not Reside With Applicant

Individual Budget Units (IBUs) do not build correctly anytime they include a taxpayer, taxpayer’s spouse, or additional tax dependent(s) not residing in the same home as the applicant.

These steps are required for the IBU to build correctly by adding or updating the case.

  1. Add the tax filer plus any of their tax dependents including those residing outside of the home to the case as Persons Associated to the case, not on the Program block.

  2. Staff can either create no household status for the additional tax household members OR give them a status of ‘In the Home’ – they cannot be listed as ‘Permanently Out of the Home’.

  3. Set relationships for all persons on the case.

  4. Add the income of any person who is part of the tax household.  Their income must be verified. Income cannot be verified by interfaces unless a SSN is provided.

  5. Include all members of the IBU on the tax record.