Child Care Warnings

When saving the Child Care Plan and/or Family Plan there are several warnings that may display.  

Family Plan Detail Warnings

Action Needed:  Verify that the End Date is after the Begin Date. HINT:  Check the year.

Action Needed: Verify that the End Date is after the last day of the month.

Action Needed:  See Child Care Plan Over 240 Hours - Process.

Action Needed:  Save the Family Plan.  Using the Person View page for the child, verify the child's participation on another Child Care program.  Add/Edit Child Schedules as needed and Edit the Child Care Plan and Family Plans as needed.

Action Needed:  Verify the Child Care Plans display as desired, click Save to confirm the action.

NOTE: If the Family Plan End Date was shortened, a batch runs nightly to align the Child Care Plan End Date to that of the Family Plan.

Action Needed:  End Date the Child Care Plan, instead of removing the Child Care Plan.

Action Needed:  Multiple Family Plans cannot exist for one time period.  Edit the Family Plan(s) to meet this criteria.

Child Care Plan Detail Warnings

Action Needed:  Verify that the End Date is after the last day of the month.

Action Needed:  If applicable, add a Child Care Need - Child reason or the child.

Action Needed:  Complete the provider referral or contact consumer to choose a new provider.

Action Needed:  Complete the provider referral or contact consumer to choose a new provider.

Action Needed:  Contact the provider to verify capacity.

Action Needed:  Save the Child Care Plan.  Determine if the provider has an Active Non-Medical program, add/edit income if needed.