This business process flow shows the high level steps utilized when an unsigned application, review, or IR is received in a DCF office.
Triage the mail
Date Stamp all documents that have appropriate signatures
NOTE: Date Stamp unsigned applications with a signature on page 3 next to the signature to protect the filing date should the consumer return the unsigned application.
Sort all documents into their appropriate areas
NOTE: All supporting documentation should be kept with the associated application, review, or IR
Attach the form and mail the documents back to the consumer. If there is not an address, write no address provided on the letter and file the documents in the 60 day retention area.
Unsigned applications, reviews, or IRs are mailed to the consumer with an Unsigned Application letter.
Clerical Staff are responsible for mailing unsigned applications, reviews, or IRs back to the consumer.
Unsigned applications, reviews, or IRs should not be date stamped with a received date.
The exception to this is an application with a signature on page 3. Date stamp next to the signature to protect the filing date should the consumer return the application. See KEESM 1411 and subsections on information regarding protected filing dates.
Unsigned applications, reviews, or IRs are not imaged and receipt of the documents should not be logged in KEES. There is no requirement to keep copies or track these documents. However, any supporting documents, such as paycheck stubs, should be imaged in case that information has an eligibility impact to other programs.
When an unsigned application, review, or IR is registered in error, send the form and original document back to the consumer. Log a KEES Help Desk ticket to have the application removed from the system.