This business process flow shows the high level steps utilized to create and process pending verifications for the LIEAP program.
Eligibility Worker
Pending verifications in KEES can be created manually from the Verification List page or automatically by leaving the Verified field on data collection page(s) in a Pending status.
If creating the verification manually go to the Verification List page. See Adding a Verification.
If creating the verification automatically select the value of Pending from the Verified field on the data collection page(s).
After the record is created go to the Verification List page and edit the record and select LIEAP as the program.
Generate, complete, and send the ES-3501: LIEAP Request for Information form from the Verification List page.
If the consumer does not return the verification(s) requested the Verification Timeliness Batch in KEES creates a Verifications Not Received task for the LIEAP queue. The task is created 10 calendar days from the create date of the verification.
If the consumer has not returned the verifications:
Check the tracker to ensure the verification has not been received.
NOTE: Follow the process below if verification has been received. Claim the task from the Tracker and process the work.
Change the status for requested verifications not receive from Pending to Not Applicable on the Verification List page in KEES. Update any verifications that are received to Verified.
Negative Action the Program Block with a Reason of Requested Information Not Received.
Run EDBC to deny the program block.
Send the NOA.
Finish the KEES task(s) with the status of the case.
If the consumer does return the requested verification(s), a Change task is generated in KEES when the verification(s) is imaged. The verification(s) is also added to the Tracker.
Claim the task from the Tracker.
Claim all tasks from the case in KEES.
Verify all data is correct on the data collection page(s) and change the status of the verified field from Pending to Verified.
Make sure the status is Verified on the Verification List page.
Run, Save and accept EDBC and send the appropriate notice.
See the LIEAP Procedural Manual for more information on the Request for Information process.
If multiple verification records are created on the Verification List page on the same day for the same case only one task will be created.
The batch will only create a task if the verification has a program selected.
Always check ImageNow, the Tracker and Task Management before closing a case for verifications not received; in case a pending verification did not get cleared appropriately or the information was returned after the task was created.
The Verification List page will automatically set the Status filter to Pending, Program Type filter to Non-Medical and the add Program Type to Non-Medical for users with DCF worker ID’s.