Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services
Janet Schalansky, Secretary

Integrated Service Delivery - Candy Shively, Deputy Secretary (785) 296-3271
Economic and Employment Support - Sandra Hazlett, Director (785) 296-3349



EES Chiefs and Staff


December 14 , 2001



Sandra C. Hazlett


Implementation Instructions for
January 1, 2002 KEESM Revision No. 8

This memo provides instructions and information regarding the following January 1, 2002 KEESM changes:

  • 2002 Low Income Energy Assistance Program
  • Clarifications regarding Work Program Services eligibility
  • Work Program changes in reference to Applicant Job Search
  • Changes to the child care provider enrollment
  • Changes to the Social Service Child Care component
  • Clarifications regarding special types of child care payments and child care plan authorization
  • The January 1, 2002 manual revision is available online on the KEESM home page and the Summary of Changes (formerly State Commissioner’s Letter) is available by clicking on the "SCL" button on the home page. Hard copy of this material will not be issued to staff until late December 2001.

    1. KEESM 2833 - SS (Social Service) Child Care - Refer to the Summary of Changes, item 18. Eligibility for child care services for children with disabilities has changed. There is no longer a sub-category under the SS subtype specifically for children with disabilities.

    Parents of children with a physical, emotional, or mental disability may apply for child care services if there is a personal need for child care, i.e. employment. If the parent meets financial eligibility criteria along with the personal need criteria, services may be purchased from either a Special Needs Provider and/or a Special Purpose Center if the parent wishes. The child care subtype assigned would be according to the parent’s eligibility. Special Needs and Special Purpose child care payments are available to children in all subtypes of child care and should be based upon the individual needs/disabling conditions of the child.

    Special Needs Child Care is defined as child care needed for a child who has a temporary or permanent disability but is able to function in a family child care home or center environment without access to other specialized support services (i.e., speech therapy, physical therapy). Any SRS provider may request to be designated as a Special Needs Provider.

    Examples may include:

    1. A child with a cast who cannot participate in regular activities; or

    2. A child who requires insulin shots, special diet, and blood sugar tests; or

    3. Any child who may be eligible for special purpose services for a portion of the day from a Special Purpose Center, and the remainder of the day receive care from a Special Needs Provider.

    The Special Needs Provider would be authorized to receive an additional 15 cents per hour when a plan is approved by EES staff and an ES-1627a has been attached to the child care plan.

    Special Purpose Child Care is defined as payments for child care for a child with disabilities who has a need for specialized services provided by a Special Purpose Center or integrated unit. Special Purpose Center or Unit is a program in which specialized services are provided and the staff or provider has a special education background and other specialists are available, i.e. speech therapist, physical therapist. These centers are eligible for a special purpose child care payment rate ($7.37 for under 2.5 yrs, $7.05 for over 2.5 yrs) based upon the individual needs of the child. A copy of the Request for Special Purpose/Special Needs Provider Child Care (ES-1627a) must be completed and placed in the case file.

    Special purpose programs must be approved and licensed by KDHE and/or approved as result of a special request to SRS Central Office child care staff. Special Purpose payments are currently only available to children being served in a center environment (not homes). Services are available for children who have been identified by a physician, therapist, social worker, early childhood or special education specialist, or public health nurse as having one or more disabilities such as:

    1. A developmental delay;

    2. A mild, moderate, or severe handicap; or

    3. A visual, language, or hearing impairment.

    (Documentation must be provided by a party other than the care provider.)

    Any child care plans for children with disabilities (IP plan type) currently authorized under the SS child care subtype should be re-examined no later than the next scheduled review to determine ongoing eligibility for child care. A printout will be issued indicating current plans meeting this criteria.

    1. KEESM 3100 - Work Related Requirements - Refer to Summary of Changes, item 19. One of the January 2002 clarifications in this section addresses who is eligible for work program services. The Implementation Planning Team suggested that a desk aide would be a helpful tool for this subject. The desk aide is attached to this memo.

    2. KEESM 3310.2 - Job Search Components- Refer to Summary of Changes, item 20. This January 2002 modification removes the reference to the Applicant Job Search (AJS) component. Applicants who are appropriate for job search activities should be placed directly into Group Job Search(GRP) or Individual Job Search(IND). The AJS component assignment for applicants should not be utilized after January 1, 2002. The component will remain on the KsCares WP Activity Table for an indefinite period for TANF Participation Federal reporting purposes. A Help Desk message along with a modification to the KsCares code cards will be sent when the code is removed.

    3. KEESM 13000 - Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) - Refer to Summary of Changes, item 35. No LIEAP information will be included in the implementation memo, but face to face training will be conducted in January 2002. A training of trainers will be held where LIEAP supervisors and other area designated staff can attend on either January 3rd or 4th. To reserve space in either session please e-mail Ann Hinkle to confirm attendance at Agh@srskansas.org. Training will be held 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the New England Building, 3rd floor computer lab, 503 S. Kansas Ave, Topeka, KS.

    4. FORMS SECTION - The ES-1642 Agreement for Purchase of SRS Child Care, has been added with this revision. This form compiles information previously gathered on the ES-1641 and ES-1603/ES-1618. Effective 1/1/02, this form should be used for all providers wishing to enroll to be paid by SRS for child care services provided to children eligible for SRS child care subsidy. Staff will not be required to re-enroll all currently enrolled providers with the new form. If staff find providers with paperwork older than 5 years, it is recommended that the provider enrollment be updated. The ES-1642 indicates an effective date and an end date. The effective date will establish the date from which payment may begin. The end date indicates the last day for which payment may be authorized. When the ES-1642 indicates an end date, no further notice need be given to terminate the agreement. End dates may correspond with end dates such as those indicated on Temporary Permits, Certificates of Registration, and annual renewals for unregulated providers. For providers who do not have end dated licenses, i.e. - licensed homes, child care centers, the word "ongoing" may be placed in the end date space to indicate that the duration of the agreement is indefinite. In situations where "ongoing" is indicated, to end the agreement, a termination notice would need to be sent informing the provider of the last day SRS will purchase child care.


    Attachments:    Work Program Eligibility Desk Aide

          SS Subtype Details  

          Children with Special Child Care Issues

          Child Care Subtypes Chart


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