Title: Leterhead Image Descriptoin: Kansas Department for children and Families Office of the Secretary 915 SW Hrrision ST., cth Floor Tobeka Kansas 66612-1354 Phone:785-296-3271 Fax: 785-296-4685 www.dcf.ks.gov Phyllis Gilmore, Secretary Sam Brownback, Governor


TO: EES Program Administrators

FROM: Sandra Kimmons

DATE: 9/20/16

SUBJECT: Implementation Instructions - KEESM Revision #78

This memo provides implementation instructions and information for the following October 1, 2016, policy changes in the Kansas Economic and Employment Services Manual (KEESM).

  1. Food Assistance
  2. Deductible Expenses/Income Disregards – See Summary of Changes, III, B, 2, and KEESM Section 6520 (2).

    The SUA may not be prorated for those individuals who share utility expenses but are excluded from the Food Assistance household. To ensure that the SUA is not prorated, if the PI is coded DI or DF, staff must allow the full SUA on the EXNS screen next to an adult or child who is coded IN.

    Example 1: Bill, the PI, is an ineligible alien coded DI, and his wife Allice is coded IN and their two children are on the food assistance case. They have rent and SUA expenses. In order to have the full SUA allowed, worker must code SUA expenses next to Alice on the EXNS screen.

    Example 2: Janet has an open FA case with her 1 child. She has rent and SUA expenses. She failed to cooperate with CSS and is now coded DI. Worker must go to the EXNS screen and remove the SUA expense by her name and enter it next to the child’s name to allow the full SUA expense.

  3. TANF

    Work/Self-Sufficiency Requirements – See Summary of Changes, V, A, 1, and KEESM Section 3100, 3100.2, 1412.3 and 2243 (1).

    Effective October 1, 2016 all TANF adults who are exempt from employment program requirements, due to being needed in the home to care for a disabled household member, will be referred to employment services and given the opportunity to volunteer. Employment services staff will provide the TANF adult with information on services available through EES, Vocational Rehabilitation, Independent Living Centers, Community Development Disability Organizations and the like. This information should be provided in the context of the 24 month time limit.


    Application: Mary applies for TANF. She has a newborn who was born with severe disabilities. She states she is needed full time in the home to care for this child. Mary is provided the ES-4310. She is also referred to employment services. Mary returns the ES-4310 which confirms she is needed in the home full time. Mary meets with employment services where she is provided information on local resources available to assist with the care of her child and is provided employment service opportunities. Time limits are reviewed with Mary. Mary chooses not to participate in the work program services offered. No further action is necessary, as Mary is not a mandatory recipient. No penalty will be implemented as Mary chose not to Volunteer. Mary can choose to participate at a later time.

    Recipient (1): Mary attends her annual review. Mary states she is still needed in the home to care for her child. Mary is provided the ES-4310 and referred to employment services. The ES-4310 is returned. Mary does not keep the appointment with employment services. There is no penalty as Mary remains exempt and has chosen not to volunteer.

    Recipient (2): Mary attends her annual review. Mary states she is still needed in the home to care for her child. Mary is provided the ES-4310 and referred to employment services. The ES-4310 is returned. Mary keeps her appointment with employment services. Employment services reminds Mary of the 24 month time limit and explains the services available through EES. She is again provided information on community resources in regards to the services available for her child. Mary opts to volunteer for employment service activities. Employment Services notifies the Purple Team that Mary is an Exempt Volunteer. The Purple Team codes Mary EV on JOPR. Mary cooperates for 45 days, but finds it too difficult to juggle the responsibilities of caring for a disabled child and participating in employment activities. Mary chooses to stop employment services. There is no penalty as Mary is a voluntary participant. She may choose to begin employment services again at any time.

  1. TANF and Child Care

    Non-Cooperation with Fraud – See Summary of Changes Section IV, A, 1, and KEESM 11221.2.

    Determination of non-cooperation with a fraud investigation will be relayed to field staff via ES-4109, Referral for Non-Cooperation with a Fraud Investigation, after the fraud unit has made 3 attempts to obtain information needed to conduct the investigation.

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Page Last Updated: 10/5/16 9:48 AM