Title: Letterhead Image  Description:   Department for Children and Families - Economic and Employment Services DCF Administration Building 555 S. Kansas Avenue, 4th Floor Topeka, KS 66603 Phone: 785-296-3349  Fax: 785-296-6960


TO: EES Program Administrators, All Asst. Regional Directors, EES Staff

FROM: Sandra Kimmons

DATE: Draft 2/23/21 4:04 PM

SUBJECT: Implementation Instructions for Poverty Level Changes Effective April 1, 2021

Child Care

  1. Poverty Level Changes - This year the monthly gross income amounts will be updated on the Child Care Family Income and Share Schedule to reflect changes in the federal poverty guidelines and the state median income levels effective April 1, 2021. The tables were updated with the February KEES release on February 16th, and the changes are effective April 1, 2021. Prior to 2018, this poverty level change was dependent on staff taking action within our legacy systems. This year for the fourth time, KEES will look at all active Child Care programs, recalculate their Family Plans with a Type of ‘FP’ and Change Reason of ‘Other Change Reason’, and run EDBC for the Come-Up Month. These actions mimic that of a caseworker–NOAs and Family Plans will go out based on EDBC results.

    Programs that have an overridden EDBC will not be processed by the batch process. The overridden family plans will be updated manually by staff in the FC-CC unit and/or the CC Provider Enrollment unit.

Timeline of Events:

  • 2/??: KEES has been updated with the table changes effective 4/1/2021. Note: The changes will not affect Family Shares already attached to existing Family Plans. This will occur with the federal poverty guideline batch process. New plans written after this date will reflect the new amounts.

  • 2/??: Come-up Month becomes available. Any cases processed for April benefits will have the table changes applied.

  • 2/??: Family Plan Income Limits – Active family plans, recalculate family plan, EDBC and send appropriate notices.

  • Overridden Family Plans will be skipped for each month that is overridden. EDBC will run and a NOA will be sent.

  • 3/??: Regular Child Care EDBC – Run any Child Care program that has not yet had April EDBC ran.

*When these dates are available, staff will be notified via the KEES dispatch.

Page Last Updated: 2/23/21 4:04 PM