1420 Case Disposition - Assistance may be suspended for individuals who are temporarily not eligible. See 7660 for suspending a child care payment. It may also be withheld in instances in which it would appear to affect eligibility or the amount of assistance but there is not enough information to make a final determination. Action to suspend payment must follow the advance notice requirements of 1431.


1421 Provisions Specific to Cash and Food Assistance Eligibility - When there is prospective ineligibility for food assistance eligibility and the agency has reason to believe that the period of ineligibility will last for only one month, payment shall be withheld. The "SU" code in KAECSES may be used in such instances.


Cash Assistance - When there is prospective ineligibility for cash assistance, (including the Work Incentive payment), due to reasons other than earnings, the case must be closed even if the agency has reason to believe that the period of ineligibility will last for only one month. However, the case may be reopened in the month following case closure without requiring a new application. An application in these instances will have to be simulated on APMA using the same review period. The case cannot be reverted to open.


If the case fails income eligibility, and there are earnings included and eligibility for the Work Incentive payment exists, an authorization on AFPD in the Work Incentive field is to be made in the amount of $50.00.


Payment can also be withheld while awaiting information necessary to determine continued cash or food assistance eligibility. This might occur as a result of information reported on a change report form or interim report form which requires further investigation. To withhold payment, remove the Specialist PEN (Personal Entry Number) on KAECSES authorization screens. This will deauthorize the case. Use of the SU code is not appropriate in these situations.


1422 Provisions Specific to Medical Eligibility - Suspension of medical benefits does not shorten an established medical eligibility base period and a new application is not required to reinstate assistance within the period. Regardless of the procedure used, medical eligibility shall not be suspended without meeting notice requirements related to adverse action. Benefits shall not be suspended for more than 6 months except in rare cases where there is clear documentation that circumstances have changed so that medical eligibility can reasonably be expected within the next 6 month period. If the case is not to be closed, medical eligibility on a medical only case will be suspended. Refer to the KAECSES User Manual for procedures when:


  1. An unmet spenddown is documented at application or due to a change in circumstances. (See 1414.1 (2).); or

  2. Information needed to determine eligibility is lacking but appears to be forthcoming.


NOTE: The "SU" code in KAECSES will suspend medical benefits while retaining the established base period.