Batch Interface


Batch Interfaces are set to run on a designated schedule, usually overnight. They cannot be manually initiated. These interface calls are initiated by specific criteria or triggers, for example, adding a person to a case, a consumer turning a certain age, or updating or editing data elements in KEES.


There are two types of batch interfaces: outbound and inbound. Outbound means that KEES sends data to the partner system. Inbound means that KEES receives data from the partner system. Batch Interfaces can create records, update records or generate tasks.


The following interfaces are run through a batch:


Batch Name


Beneficiary & Earnings Data Exchange  (BENDEX)

BENDEX is a daily batch data exchange that verifies Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI) benefits. The request for information is initiated when the program is approved for benefits. Once a consumer is added to the system they remain on the BENDEX file until their case is closed. This interface indicates changes in SSA amounts. The BENDEX interface can generate tasks related to income records and Medicare Premium information.

Child Support Services

Child Support Services is a daily batch that notifies workers of cooperation status via tasks.

Client Listing to EATSS

The Client Listing batch interface sends a list of KEES consumers to DCF to update EATSS. This list consists of consumers who became active on any program and were not previously known or had coverage discontinued on a program within the last 90 days from the batch run; thus, allowing users to request SSA records via EATSS even if the consumer is not active in KAECSES. Due to the information being sent through several systems, the process could cause a delay in manual TPQY requests for brand new consumers in KEES.

Death Records

Death Records is a weekly batch from Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Office of Vital Statistics. It provides an electronic file which contains a list of persons that have died in Kansas. This interface creates a task when a match is found.

The Date of Death displays on the Individual Demographics page in the Decease Date field. The interface inserts the date of death with the verification code of Pending. Select a verification code of Verified after confirming the person is actually deceased and take the necessary case action.

Inmate Records

Inmate Records is a monthly batch from Kansas Department of Corrections. It provides an electronic file which contains a list of persons who have been incarcerated in the State of Kansas. This interface creates a task when a match is found.

Kansas Department of Labor (KDOL)

The KDOL Interface consists of information on Base Wages and Unemployment Benefits.

The Base Wages information is utilized when determining Reasonable Compatibility. This interface is called during the No Touch process and when using the Request Verification button. If the income entered in KEES is determined Reasonably Compatible with income information in the Base Wages interface the Verification field is updated to Verified.

The KDOL Unemployment Benefits interface is considered a payer source. This means that this interface can create or verify an income record through the “No Touch” process and when called by using the Request Verifications button.

Low Income Subsidy (LIS)


This daily batch interface creates a medical e-application for each consumer who has applied for Low-Income Subsidy through Social Security. These applications are registered and processed as MIPPA applications. They are identifiable by the e-App Source of LIS on the e-Application Summary page.

Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS)

The MMIS batch interface consists of Medical Eligibility, Medical Alerts, and Third-Party Liability information.

A daily outbound batch sends all new medical eligibility, Medicare information, and updates to existing eligibility and Medicare information. A monthly outbound file sends all eligibility active and authorized for the following month.

KEES receives an inbound batch from MMIS which contains the Medical Alerts. This batch produces various tasks.

Third-Party Liability information and Employer Sponsored health insurance information available within KEES is sent to MMIS in a daily batch file.

Premium Billing & Collections (PB&C)

The premium information which is calculated by running EDBC is sent in a daily file to PB&C so they may collect the appropriate premiums from consumers. A daily file is sent by PB&C to KEES with premium balance information for delinquent cases. The delinquency indicator, amount due and due date is populated by the interface when an individual becomes delinquent. The delinquency indicator is updated once a consumer is no longer delinquent. Whenever the delinquency status changes, a task is created.

Reasonable Compatibility (RC) at Review

Reasonable Compatibility at Review is a monthly batch which tests case members with a Role of FRI or MEM for RC the month prior to review. The results of the RC test will be used by the Medical Review Type Determination Batch. If income is RC, verification will flip from Pending to Verified. No task is created.

State Data Exchange (SDX)

SDX is a batch data exchange that provides SSI data to states that administer federally funded income and/or health maintenance programs. This batch creates tasks related to Medical Condition records and SSI income records.     

State Verification & Exchange Systems (SVES)

SVES is a batch query system that provides states and some federal agencies with a standardized method of SSN verification and Social Security benefit information for program processing. The daily batch is initiated when a consumer is added to a program since the last daily batch run and has a SSN entered on the Individual Demographics page; a consumer turns 64 years, 9 months since the last daily batch run and is not already entitled to Medicare A or B. The monthly batch is initiated when a consumer has an open program with a review due in the next month. SVES creates tasks, verifies Social Security Numbers if not already verified, verifies income, creates tasks related to SSA income, Medicare Part A and B premium amounts, and Medical Conditions.

Territory Beneficiary Query (TBQ)

TBQ is a daily batch data exchange between Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and states. The TBQ file contains Medicare entitlement information. This interface supplies the information displayed on the Medicare Information page and can update Buy-In information on the Medicare Expense page. The batch interface is initiated when a consumer over 18 years of age is added to KEES since the last batch run; a consumer under 18 years of age with a Medicare Claim number is added to KEES since the last batch run; a consumer is added to a medical program without a TBQ response in the last 60 days; a consumer turned 64 years, 9 months since the last batch run; a consumer has an Active medical condition that is older than 23 months; the third payer start date for Medicare Part A is more than two months in the past; a consumer has a Part A or B entitlement with open medical for over two months; any update is made to the Medicare Expense page.