Health Insurance Premiums (any type) not being pulled into Medically Needy Spenddowns


An issue has been identified when using the Expense category Health Insurance Premiums (any type). These expenses are not being pulled into a Medical Needy spenddown determination. Until this issue can be resolved, please use the following instructions to create an expense record for any Health Insurance Premiums that will be entered in KEES.

  1. If there is an existing Health Insurance Premiums record, staff will need to end-date that record for the end of the month prior to the benefit month (the first month that will be ran in EDBC) for both the Contributor and the Amount blocks within the Expense Detail page.

Please see KEES User Manual, End Dating or Modifying Existing Expense Records, for instructions to end-date a Medical expense record.


NOTE: If there is no existing record for an Expense category Health Insurance Premiums (any type), skip to step 2.

  1. Create new expense record for the benefit month.

    1. Expense Category: Select Medical Expenses.

    2. Expense Type: Select Medical Expenses (Medical Only).

    3. Frequency: Select Once a Month.

    4. Description: Heath Insurance Policy name and type (if needed).

    5. Contributors: Click the Add button.

      1. Persons: Select the name of the consumer.

      2. Begin Date: Enter the first day of the first month that will be ran in EDBC.

      3. End Date: Enter the last day of the month the premium will be applied, otherwise leave blank.

    6. Amounts: Click the Add button.

      1. Amount: Enter the amount of the monthly premium.

      2. Amount Paid by Others: Leave blank.

      3. Begin Date: Enter the first day of the first month that will be ran in EDBC.

      4. End Date: Enter the last day of the month the premium will be applied, otherwise leave blank.

      5. Verified: Select Verified.