10411 Retention of Records

Effective January 1, 2019, all cases accepted for investigation shall be retained indefinitely. Prior to January 1, 2019, unsubstantiated/unconfirmed cases and guardian/conservator cases were destroyed after six years.


Records are retained or destroyed using the following criteria:


  1.  Paper files prior to KIPS:


    1. Retain reports not assigned for further assessment for two (2) years.
    2. Retain indefinitely, all cases accepted for investigation. Guardian/conservator cases shall also be retained indefinitely. On cases involving self-neglect allegations only, substantiated/confirmed cases may be destroyed after six years if the adult is deceased.
    3. In situations where there is a question as to whether or not a case should be retained beyond the required timeframe, the supervisor may consult the Regional attorney.

  1. KIPS Records:
    1. All records in the Kansas Intake/Investigation Protection System (KIPS) shall remain indefinitely.
      1. All documents, forms, records received, and handwritten notes captured during an investigation shall be uploaded into the KIPS investigation file and then the paper copy shall be destroyed/shredded after the investigation has been reviewed and set to complete.
      2. The exception being items gathered during the investigation that are unable to be uploaded into the electronic KIPS file. For example; video or audio footage provided to the agency on a CD, DVD, flash drive, or other form etc. These shall be kept at the DCF office in a secured lockbox by either the Regional Assistant Program Administrator or the Regional APS Supervisor. APS staff shall add a note to the KIPS investigation file indicating what information was unable to be uploaded into the electronic system and why. The note shall specifically indicate where that information is currently being stored (supervisor or APA’s lockbox in their office).
    2. Other Documents & Information to be kept in the KIPS Investigation Files:
      1. APS substantiation appeal requests and final orders from Office of Administrative Hearings
      2. Adult Abuse, Neglect, & Exploitation Central Registry expungement requests, approvals, and denials
      3. Petitions to the court for guardian/conservatorship from DCF legal of an APS Involved Adult to include, initial petition, court orders received; temporary orders and/or final orders on guardianship/conservatorship of an Involved Adult.

  1. Paper files/original copies:


    1. DCF Legal maintains records of guardian/conservator files DCF APS has filed with the courts.
    2. Adult ANE Central Registry expungement files are kept at the DCF administration building.