10035 DCF Staff Responsibilities Related to Providers - The following action steps are responsibilities of EES staff to assure that a licensed, unregulated legally exempt, out-of-home relative, or in-home relative provider who desires to provide child care for eligible children understands their role and responsibilities as they relate to receiving payment for child care services provided to eligible children:

  1. Provide appropriate application forms, technical assistance and consultation to any licensed or, unregulated legally exempt, out-of-home relative, or in-home relative provider interested in providing care for eligible children.

    NOTE: DCF cannot enroll a person or persons living in the household where care will be provided with someone who is listed as a prohibited person in the Child Abuse/Neglect Central Registry or the Adult Abuse, Neglect or Exploitation Registry and/or listed in Kansas Adult Supervised Population Electronic Repository (KASPER) as being convicted of a felony.

  2. Check local office records for information concerning any history of complaints against the provider or any regulatory actions pending with KDHE.

  3. On-site visits to child care providers are a Regional option for initial and renewal purposes to explain DCF payment policies and procedures. On site visits are also encouraged in response to non-compliance with DCF policies and procedures. In those situations, DCF staff will contact the provider in some way.

  4. Make an on-site visit to any enrolled provider when:

    1. Requested by the provider, local Health Department/Child Care Licensing Surveyor or the parent;

    2. In response to a child abuse and/or neglect report when requested by the DCF Social Services staff responsible for investigations;

  5. Enter provider information into provider management system(s) as necessary.  

  6. Review provider enrollment and payment agreements submitted by licensed providers, unregulated providers, out-of-home relative providers and in-home relative providers prior to approval for enrollment and at review.

  7. Verify that the provider has a current license if applicable. Verification may include but is not limited to a copy of license, information provided on monthly reports, phone call to health department.

  8. Take appropriate action to deny or terminate provider enrollments. (Refer to 10037.1, 10100.)  

  9. Maintain confidentiality of any documentation received from clients regarding income. Inform providers of their responsibility to maintain confidentiality of any information they may receive regarding client child care subsidy cases. (Refer to 1220.)

  10. Request a financial audit when Regional or EES Administration staff have reason to question the accuracy of monthly payments made with benefits.

  11. For In-Home Relative care situations, staff shall inform clients that they are responsible for all tax issues. Clients must provide verification of a Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN). Verification of the EIN must be kept in the client’s file.


10035.1 Maintaining Provider Files - Each DCF Region shall maintain a permanent file for each provider who has applied for enrollment to receive payment from DCF through the child care subsidy program. EES Administration does not receive hard copies of any forms. Originals are kept by the Region with a copy to the provider. This file must be separate from the client's eligibility file.