13500 The Kansas Weatherization Assistance Program (K-WAP)
The Kansas Weatherization Assistance Program (K-WAP) operates year round from April to March. Eligibility income guidelines for LIEAP funded weatherizations are the same as LIEAP. Eligibility income guidelines for Department of Energy funded weatherizations are 150% of the federal poverty or 60% of the state median income, whichever is greater. Households are automatically eligible if one person is receiving TANF or SSI. There is no resource test. The elderly, disabled, or those with at least one child in the home are identified as a special population which deems them a priority when a waiting list for services develops. Emergency situations also receive priority e.g., furnace tests positive for carbon monoxide).
Up to 15% of the LIEAP block grant may be allocated to the low income weatherization program in Kansas. LIEAP recipient energy consumption levels are provided to weatherization to target services to those with the greatest energy consumption. Weatherization services and materials may include: weatherization needs assessments/audit, caulking, insulation, storm windows, etc., furnace/heating system modifications/repairs, furnace replacement, and cooling efficiency mods/repairs/replacement. Landlords are required to partially pay for furnace replacements. Exemptions are allowed for low-income landlords, public housing, and emergency shelters. Interested persons may call the toll-free Housing Information Line at 1-800-752-4422.