3430 Provisions Specific to SNAP Employment & Training (E&T)  

Limited federal and state funding is available for items needed by the individual to allow participation in the Food Assistance E&T program. The funding limitations for these services are established yearly in the Food Assistance E&T State Plan. ABAWDS and work registrants 50 – 59 without a child under 18 on the food assistance case, who are not meeting an exemption and not employed 30 hours or more per week are mandatory participants in this program.

Support Services are intended for the client’s immediate needs and if not used will age off the client’s Kansas Benefits card after three months. If the client requests that the aged-off payment be reissued, the career navigator will determine if an immediate need exists and whether it is appropriate to reissue a support payment to the Kansas Benefits card.  Funding limitations are established yearly.


3430.1 Case Management Services for E&T - Case Management Services may be made available up to 90 days following the loss of food assistance due to employment.


3430.2 Transportation for E&T - Transportation allowances for Food Assistance E&T clients are available to support activities. Transportation for any activity shall be based on need. Documentation of the mode of transportation to be utilized and a back-up transportation plan should be included in the case file. Documentation is also required in the event that no monthly transportation allowance is authorized. More than one transportation allowance may be approved as needed when a Food Assistance E&T client is involved in more than one approved activity.

3430.3 Special Services for E&T - This allowance should be used to obtain goods and services (except transportation) needed to participate in an approved activity. This allowance is also available for expenses or needs related to accepting or maintaining employment for employed individuals.

This allowance should not be used to pay fines resulting from civil and legal judgments. The Special Services Allowance shall not be used to pay for work site injury costs that exceed the allowed Medicaid rate.

NOTE: Examples of services and/or items that may be purchased with this allowance include uniforms, eyeglasses, and vehicle repairs.


Guidelines for Vehicle Repair - Prior to authorizing a payment for vehicle repair the following items shall be considered and documented in the case file:


1. Is the vehicle registered in the client's name?

2. Is the vehicle currently insured?

3. Does the client have a valid driver's license?


3430.4  Child Care Services for E&T - E&T clients participating in an Employment Services activity may be eligible for Child Care Services. Childcare plan hours authorization should correspond with expected hours of work program activity.  

3430.5  Education/Job Skills Training/Vocational Education Activity Costs for E&T - Activity costs that are related to an approved Education/Job Skills Training/Vocational Education activity (such as tuition, books/fees, related costs, necessary supplies and uniforms), may be paid for Employment Service participants. Payment for these activity costs should be made to the vendor.

3430.6 Contracted Employment Services for E&T - (not available at this time)


3430.7 Retention Services for E&T - There is eligibility for ES support services (transportation and Special Services Allowance), Education/Job Skills Training/Vocational Education activity costs for up to 90 days following the loss of food assistance for the individual if the following criteria are met:

1. Food assistance was discontinued due to income from employment and

2. Client gained employment after participating in an E&T activity.

NOTE: If the client becomes mandatory for E&T and reports at the first appointment that they obtained employment, the client is not eligible for retention services.