7300 - Establishing Eligibility Periods


The eligibility period is the time period on which need is computed. See Section 9300 for policy and procedures for eligibility reviews.


7310 Eligibility Periods for Cash and Food Assistance - For cash and food assistance, need is determined on a calendar month basis. When there is eligibility for any portion of a month, eligibility exists for the entire month. Eligibility and benefit amount shall be determined based on the household composition as determined prospectively for the benefit month. The worker shall establish definite periods of time within which the household shall be eligible to receive benefits. At initial application, the first month in the review period shall be the first month of eligibility, or if the month of application is denied, the review period begins the month of application, even if the household's eligibility is not determined until a subsequent month. Households shall be assigned the longest review period possible based on the predictability of the household's circumstances. See KEESM 9371.


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