KEESM 07-01-24
    1000 Administrative Information
    2000 General Eligibility
       2100 Requirements Common To All Or Most Programs
          2110 Act in Own Behalf
          2111 Adults
          2112 Minors
          2120 Cooperation
          2121 Supplying Information
          2122 Application and Review Process
          2123 Cooperation with Quality Assurance
          2124 Potential Resources (Not Applicable to the Food Assistance and Child Care Programs)
          2124.1 Requirements
          2124.2 Failure to Comply
          2130 Social Security Numbers (Not Applicable to Child Care)
          2131 Verification of SSN
          2132 Participation Without an SSN
          2133 Good Cause for Participation Without an SSN
          2134 Refusal or Failure to Provide or Apply for SSN
          2135 Use of SSN
          2136 Referral Procedure for Applying for an SSN
          2137 Entering SSN's on KEES
          2140 Citizenship and Non-citizen Status
          2141.1 Citizens at Birth
          2142 Qualified Non-Citizen Status for the Cash and Child Care Programs
          2142.1 Eligible Non-Citizens
          2142.2 Non-Citizens Who Qualify After 5 Years From the Date of Entry or the Date
          2143 Qualified Non-Citizen Status for Food Assistance
          2143.1 Non-citizens Eligible Indefinitely Effective April 1, 2003
          2143.2 Non-Citizens Who Qualify After 5 Years from the Date of Entry or the Date
          2143.3 Special Non-citizen Provisions
          2143.4 Non-citizens Unable or Unwilling to Provide Immigrant Documentation
          2144 Victims of Trafficking
          2145 Documentation of Citizenship
          2145.1- Citizenship Documentation for all Programs
          2145.2 Documentation for Citizens at Birth
          2146  Documentation of Legal Status
          2146.1 Documentation Not Clear
          2146.2 Non-citizens Unable to Provide Documentation
          2146.3 Documentation Obtained Later
          2146.4 Verification of Non-citizen Status through SAVE
          2146.5 Verification of 40 Qualifying Quarters of Coverage (For Food Assistance Only)
          2146.6 Verification of Iraqi and Afghani Special Immigrant Status (Food Assistance
          2150 Residence
          2151 Duplicate Benefits
          2160 Cooperation With and Referral to Child Support Enforcement
          2161 Cooperation with Child Support Services
          2162 Good Cause for Failure to Cooperate with Child Support Services
          2162.1 Qualified non-parental Good Cause for Failure to Cooperate
          2163 Referral to Child Support Enforcement
          2164 Assignment of Support and Effective Date of Assignment (Not Applicable to Child Care and Food Assistance)
          2165 Failure to Cooperate
          2165.1 TANF Noncooperation Penalties
          2165.2 Food Assistance Noncooperation
          2165.3 Child Care NonCooperation_
          2166 Reporting of Support to EES
          2167 Paternity of Alleged Father in the Home ( (Not Applicable to Child Care)
          2167.1 Expedited Paternity Establishment
          2167.2 Special Case Situations
          2170 Strikers (Not Applicable to Child Care)
          2171 Striker Definition
          2172 Provisions Specific to Food Assistance
          2172.1 Pre-Strike Eligibility
          2172.2 Current Eligibility
          2172.3 Work Registration
          2172.4 Scheduling Intake
          2172.5 Resources and Verification
          2180 Other General Program Requirements
          2181 Not Receiving SSI (Cash Only)
          2182 Fugitive Felons and Probation and Parole Violators (Not Applicable to Child Care)
          2183 Felony Drug Convictions (TANF only)
          2184 Felony Drug Convictions (Food Assistance only)
       2200 - Requirements Specific to Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
       2220 Living With a Caretaker
       2230 Teen Parent Under Age 18
       2240 Time-Limited Assistance
       2250 Applicant Eligibility Requirements Specific to TANF
       2260 TANF Suspicion-Based Drug Testing
       2300 Reserved
       2400 Reserved
       2500 Requirements Specific to the Food Assistance Program
       2600 Reserved
       2800 Requirements Specific To The Child Care Program
       2900 - Other Program Requirements
    3000 Employment Services
    4000 Assistance Planning With Individual Applicants/Recipients
    5000 Resources
    6000 Income
    7000 Budgeting of Income and Determination of Financial Eligibility
    8000 Reserved
    9000 Reporting Changes, Transfer Of Assistance And Reviews
    10000 Child Care Providers
    11000 Incorrect Benefits And Fraud Determinations
    12000 Reserved
    13000 Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP)
KEESM Appendix
KEESM Miscellaneous Forms
KEESM Summary of Changes and SCLs
Implementation and COLA Memos
Policy Memos
KEESM Past Revisions
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