KEESM 02-01-25
1000 Administrative Information
2000 General Eligibility
3000 Employment Services
4000 Assistance Planning With Individual Applicants/Recipients
5000 Resources
6000 Income
6100 Income
6200 Unearned Income
6210 Unearned Income Payments
6211 Regular Unearned Income
6212 Irregular Unearned Income
6213 Intermittent Unearned Income
6220 Types of Countable Unearned Income
6220 #1 Assistance Payments (Food Assistance Only)
6220 #2 Annuities, Pensions
6220 #3 SSI (Food Assistance Only)
6220 #4 Child Support
6220 #5 Worker's Compensation and Unemployment Insurance
6220 #6 Certain Reimbursements
6220 #7 Trust Fund Income
6220 #8 Gambling Winnings
6220 #9 Vendor Income Not to be Exempted Income
6220 #10 Money Withdrawn from an Individual Development Account (IDA)
6220 #11 Others
6220 #12 Money Withdrawn from Cryptocurrency Assets
6300 Earned Income
6400 Exempt Income
6500 Treatment Of Income And Deductions Of Persons Not Included In The Assistance Plan
7000 Budgeting of Income and Determination of Financial Eligibility
8000 Reserved
9000 Reporting Changes, Transfer Of Assistance And Reviews
10000 Child Care Providers
11000 Incorrect Benefits And Fraud Determinations
12000 Summer EBT
13000 Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP)
KEESM Appendix
KEESM Miscellaneous Forms
KEESM Summary of Changes and SCLs
Implementation and COLA Memos
Policy Memos
KEESM Past Revisions
Web Links
Printing Instructions