Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation
Janet Schalansky, Secretary
Integrated Service Delivery - Candy Shively, Deputy
Secretary (785) 296-3271
Economic and Employment Support - Sandra Hazlett, Director (785) 296-3349
EES Chiefs, EES Staff
September 16, 2002
Sandra C. Hazlett
Implementation Instructions
KEESM Rev. 11 Effective 10/1/02
This memo provides implementation instructions and information
for the following October 1, 2002 KEESM changes:
- Notifying substance
abuse treatment centers of food stamp overpayments.
- FS Comparable
treatment for TAF disqualifications cannot be applied to applicants.
- Food Stamp
E & T transportation payments.
- FS persons
sanctioned for a work program requirement (including comparable
requirements) are considered excluded instead of disqualified.
- Increase in
the FS resource limit to $3,000 for households with one or more
disabled persons.
- Exemption of
Ricky Ray Hemophilia Act payments.
Note the
highlighted changes in KEESM 3421 of this memo. This clarification
from the original instruction was transmitted to the field on 9/24/02.
The October 1, 2002 KEESM is now available online on the KEESM home
page. Hard copy will be issued to staff in early October.
- KEESM 2541.4
- Treatment Center Responsibilities - (See Summary of Changes
item 16.) A new collateral notice has been developed to send to
alcohol and drug abuse facilities who are determined to be responsible
for a food stamp overpayment to a resident. A food stamp claim is
still established on KAECSES, however, a repayment plan code is
not entered to prevent benefit reduction or collection through the
Treasury Offset Program. The collateral notice, I010 - Repay Letter
to Treatment Center, has been developed and must be sent to the
facility requesting repayment of the overpayment. (Note: This notice
will not be available until 10/1/02.)
- KEESM 2550
- Comparable Treatment for Disqualifications - (See Summary
of Changes, item 17.) As stated in the Summary of Changes, the food
stamp change to the comparable treatment for TAF disqualifications
policies is mandated by federal policy. Effective with this revision,
a comparable penalty (work related and CSE) can ONLY be applied
if the person is in recipient status for both the TAF and FS programs
at the time the penalty is being applied (TAF and FS cases are open).
Food stamp benefits can not therefore be denied to a person who
fails to comply with a TAF work or CSE requirement while the person
is in applicant status.
The following examples should help to illustrate this policy:
- Example
1 - Susie Q applies for TAF and FS. She is assigned to job search
for TAF, and does not comply. TAF is denied. No comparable penalty/denial
of assistance can be applied since Susie was in applicant status.
FS for all members is approved.
- Example
2 - Susie Q applies for TAF and FS and is approved expedited
FS. She is assigned to job search for TAF and does not comply. TAF
is denied. FS has been approved and no comparable penalty is applied
to the person who failed to comply since the person has to be in
recipient status for both programs for a penalty to be applied.
- Example
3 - Susie Q has an ongoing FS case and she is laid off from
her job. She applies for TAF. She is assigned to job search for
TAF and does not comply. TAF is denied. No comparable penalty is
applied to the FS case.
- Example
4 - Susie Q has an ongoing TAF case. Her TAF case is closed
for failure to cooperate with CSE. She decides to just live on her
child support and she applies for food stamps (add a program). No
comparable penalty/denial of assistance is applied to the food stamp
case for the CSE non cooperation.
- Example
5 - Susie Q has an ongoing TAF and FS case. Her husband has
returned to the home and he is being added to the TAF and FS cases.
He is required to job search and fails to do so. The TAF case is
closed. Since the person who failed to comply was in applicant status
at the time of the failure (add a person), there is no comparable
penalty applied to the FS case. The husband is added to the FS case.
- Example
6 - Susie has an ongoing TAF and FS case. She fails to cooperate
with child support enforcement. The TAF case is closed, and a comparable
penalty is applied to the FS case. Susie is changed from IN to DI
(see item 5 of this memo) on the FS case.
Potential Employment provisions of 3540 are separate and stand
alone from the comparable penalty provisions. Denial of assistance
can still occur to a person applying for food stamps when the
client, without good cause, refuses a job referral, refuses a
job offer, terminates a job, was terminated from a job for rendering
him/herself unacceptable, or voluntarily reduces hours of work
from 30 or more per week to less than 30 per week and reduces
monthly gross earnings. See KEESM 3540 for more details.
- KEESM 3100
- Work Related Requirements - (Summary of Changes, item 24.)
To be consistent with the policies explained above, work-related
requirements can no longer be applied to food stamp program applicants.
Once the food stamp case is approved, an appropriate work component
can be assigned to non exempt recipients. This change affects the
counties in Kansas administering the Food Stamp Employment and Training
Program. Again, since the Potential Employment Provisions of 3540
are stand alone requirements, they shall still be applied to FS
applicants as appropriate.
- KEESM 3421
- Transportation - (See Summary of Changes, item 28.) Because
lack of transportation is a significant barrier to completing assigned
activities or maintaining employment, FS E & T clients who are
assigned to more than one component or who demonstrate significant
need can receive transportation payments in excess of $25 per month.
Transportation for any activity shall be based on need. Documentation
of the mode of transportation utilized and a backup transportation
plan should be included in the case file to meet federal requirements.
This change to allow FS E & T transportation authorizations
over $25 monthly is effective for transportation allowances being
authorized beginning October, 2002. This change may be implemented
as on-going cases are reviewed.
The transportation amount on TRPA defaults to $25.00. The amount
for any month may be changed by typing over the amount displayed.
The following examples demonstrate application of this policy change:
- Example
1 - A FS E &T client who is currently participating in GED
and Job Search receives a $25 transportation allowance. In October,
the client indicates to the EES worker that he is having difficulty
participating in both components due to transportation costs. It
is determined that the cost for transportation to participate in
these assignments is $90 per month. Action: The worker should document
the need and authorize $90 per month for transportation costs.
- Example
2 - A FS client works 25 hours a week. This person is mandatory
since not employed full time and is assigned to 5 hours a week of
additional activities. The agency previously approved a $25 a month
transportation allowance to assist with the additional activity.
The client contacts and indicates having difficulty getting to and
from work due to costs involved. Action: The worker could
document the need and authorize additional funding for transportation
for the additional activities. Transportation cannot be authorized
for employment.
- Example
3 - A FS only client is employed part time and is exempt from
participation in work activities due to having a child under age
6. The client contacts the agency to request help with keeping the
job and asks to volunteer for work program participation. Can we
assist with a transportation allowance if the client agrees to job
search to find additional work? Action: The worker could
document the need and authorize a transportation allowance for
the job search. Transporation cannot be authorized for employment.
A comparison chart to demonstrate the different FS E & T and
TAF work program policies was previously developed at the request
of Manhattan Area. That chart has been updated to reflect this transportation
policy change and is attached to this memo.
- KEESM 4212.2
- Excluded Household Members - (See Summary of Changes, item
31.) Effective October 1, 2002, food stamp persons determined ineligible
due to the comparable provisions of 2550, and persons determined
ineligible for noncompliance with food stamp work-related requirements,
including potential employment, shall be treated as excluded household
members (SEPA code DI) instead of disqualified (SEPA code DF). This
change shall be applied to all food stamp penalties assessed on
or after October 1.
In addition, all ongoing cases with an affected food stamp person
currently coded DF must be converted for the benefit month of November
2002. To assist staff in making this conversion, a printout of all
persons coded DF on an active food stamp case will be sent to the
Chiefs electronically around September 23. This report will be issued
based on the KAECSES extract. The report will be sorted by Area/Section/Caseload.
A review of a preliminary report indicates that staff will have
an average of 4 persons to review for potential change. After the
date of this report, staff will need to keep a list of any persons
penalized between the date of the report and September 30, 2002
as these persons will also need to be converted from DF to DI by
November 1. As a reminder, effective with this change, the only
reasons for an ineligible food stamp household member to be coded
DF are for fraud, fleeing felon, probation/parole violator and drug
related convictions.
The following is suggested wording for the food stamp change notice
(F704) to explain the reason for the change in benefits:
"We are changing the amount of your food stamp benefits due
to a change in federal rules. Instead of counting all the income
for (enter name), we are now counting only a portion of the income.
(enter name) was removed from your food stamp case for failure to
comply with food stamp requirements. If (enter name) wishes to now
comply with food stamp requirements, please contact me immediately
at the number listed below".
- KEESM 5120
- Maximum Allowable Resource Limit - (See Summary of Changes,
item 34.) Effective for all applications processed for the benefit
month of October, on or after October 1, 2002, the higher resource
limit of $3,000 will apply to all food stamp households containing
at least one household member who is disabled (per the definition
of disabled in item 78 of the Appendix).
To implement this change, the table that controls the food stamp
resource limit has been modified to include persons identified as
disabled as entitled to the higher resource limit of $3,000. For
the table to properly work, the system must be able to identify
that the case is "special" (code of SPE on FSRD). A "special"
household is one where at least one member of the household is elderly
(60 or greater) or disabled. There are two ways in which this can
occur as follows:
- Through
income codes - The following income codes will automatically
identify a disabled person, categorize the case as "special"
and allow the higher resource limit: RR DS (Railroad Retirement
disability income), SS DS (Social Security disability income), SI
(SSI income), and VA DS (Veteran's disability income). These codes
will allow the higher limit when the person with the income is coded
IN or SH only.
- Through
coding on SSDO - If a "Y" is entered in the DS/FS
field on SSDO the system will automatically identify that the case
is "special" and allow the higher limit.If staff can identify
that a person is disabled (as defined for FS purposes) when entering
information on the SSDO screen, a "Y" should be entered
into the DS/FS field at that time. Then when the case passes thru
FSRD, the system will know that a person is "special"
and the higher resource limit will apply.
If staff do not put a "Y' in the DF/FS screen on SSDO, and
the resources of the case are greater than $2,000, but equal to
or less than $3,000, the system cannot identify that this is a "special"
household and FSRD will process the case allowing the limit of only
$2,000 and the following warning message will appear on FSRD after
At this point staff must enter income and return to FSRD. If one
of the above income types is found and the resources are equal to
or less than $3,000, the case will pass the resource test. If the
household member does not have income that will identify the household
as "special", but does meet one of the other the food
stamp disability criteria (receiving disability related retirement
benefits, or getting disability related Medicaid under Title XIX
of the Social Security Act) then a "Y" must be entered
in the DS/FS field on SSDO for the higher resource limit to apply.
The bottom line with this change is that it is best to enter a "Y"
in the DS/FS field on SSDO when it is known that a person in the
household meets the food stamp disability criteria. This will allow
the case the higher resource limit when the case first passes through
FSRD and the warning message described above will not need to be
- KEESM 6410
- Exempt Ricky Ray Hemophilia Relief Fund Act payments - (See
Summary of Changes, item 36.) Payments from this program are exempt
as income and as a resource for all programs. Any payments received
shall be coded on KAECSES using the existing code of "XA"
- exempt all programs.
Attachment - Comparison of TAF and FS E&T Employment Services