Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services
Janet Schalansky, Secretary
Integrated Service Delivery - Candy Shively,
Deputy Secretary (785) 296-3271
Economic and Employment Support - Bobbi
Mariani, Director (785) 296-3349
To: |
EES Chiefs and Staff
HealthWave Clearinghouse Staff
Date: |
March 10, 2004 |
From: |
Jeanine Schieferecke |
RE: |
Medically Needy/Spenddown
Enhancements |
The purpose of this memo is to provide
an update of the original spenddown
design implemented with the interChange
MMIS. As you are aware, production
of beneficiary spenddown letters
was delayed pending the resolution
of several system defects. These
defects have now been corrected
and spenddown letter mailing has
been scheduled. Information on several
changes and enhancements made as
part of the resolution are also
included in this memo.
Almost immediately upon implementation of the new spenddown process, concerns
were raised regarding the operation of the new system. The majority
of these concerns were related to claims processing and the application
of bills toward the spenddown. Many of the problems were corrected
immediately. Other problems required some basic design changes in the
spenddown processing rules.
- Claims Processing
Medical claims processing is extremely complex and detailed.
The reasons for this are many but the fact that
Medicaid providers submit bills
in a variety of formats and the large number of
edits and audits required to process medical claims
accurately are key reasons. State or federal
requirements (such as HIPAA) can mandate variations
for certain providers and claim types that further
complicate the process.
To understand the spenddown process it
is critical that staff with responsibility
for Medically Needy cases have a basic
understanding of MMIS claims processing.
However because of the complexities of
the MMIS claims engine, eligibility staff
are not expected to become claims processing
experts. Specific SRS and fiscal agent
staff assigned to the Medicaid Claims
Team are the primary resources for claims
processing issues. Eligibility staff
must be knowledgeable of policies and
procedures for allowing bills, specifically
those instances when bills are allowed
through MEEX or the Beneficiary Billed
claim process.
Previous communication regarding the types
of bills allowed and the manner in which
they are to be allowed continue to hold
true. However, some additional situations
in which Beneficiary Billed claims may
be needed have been identified.
The following rules apply for allowing medical claims against spenddown,
with new information noted:
MEEX: Allow health
insurance, due and owing, bills
for non-participating family
members and nursing facility
expenses on MEEX.
- Provider Billed: Medicaid
providers can direct bill
almost all claims to
be used against
the spenddown. Electronic
Medicare crossover
claims are also allowed against
spenddown, as are ADAP claims
paid through state funds.
Please note the following changes have
been made to the original spenddown process
for provider billed claims:
- Claim Type - The method
used to determine the
allowable amount for spenddown
associated to the type
of bill the provider uses
(e.g. pharmacy, inpatient,
Special processing rules
been incorporated for
each billing
to account for special
differences between the
- Claims with Multiple
Details - For multiple
services billed on a single
claim, special
logic will be used to
determine the
amount to be used against
the spenddown.
This will allow for more
consistent processing where TPL exists.
- Adjustments to
Previous Claims - The spenddown
process will now account
reversals or other modifications
to claims previously
billed to MMIS. When an
error is made with the
claim a provider
will file an adjustment
to correct the
claim. Adjusted claims
usually result
when keying errors are
made by providers
or the claim is misfiled
(e.g., incorrect
procedure codes or diagnosis
codes). Another
type of adjustment is
made when a pharmacy submits
a claim
but reverses
the charge because the
drug was not dispensed,
including situations
where the client
didn’t pick up
the prescription. Because expenses are
allowed against the spenddown as soon
as the claim is billed, a change in claim
status may cause the case status to change
from met to unmet or vice versa. When
a claim adjustment is made, the original
claim becomes known as a ‘mother’ claim.
The new claim is known as a ‘daughter’ claim.
The mother and
daughter claim
are linked forever
and can be viewed
on the expanded
window explained
in item III
below. Information
on the notice
these types
of changes are
addressed in
item VI below.
When services
are simply
rebilled, without
tying the new
claim to the
original, it
is treated as
bill, and will
not be allowed
against spenddown.
- Preemptive Indicator
- Certain services are
never allowable against
such as acupuncture
and routine household
equipment. These services
have been identified
in the MMIS
through the use of a spenddown
preemptive indicator.
A service with a spenddown
preemptive indicator of
will not be
allowed against the spenddown.
The use of this
indicator has been further
delineated in claims processing logic.
on Eligibility Worker: Eligibility staff
who routinely view
claims information
may notice these
differences. However,
it is important
to again stress that
staff are not responsible
for the detailed
claims resolution
will be necessary
to accurately determine
claim disposition,
including spenddown
claims. Questions
and concerns re.g.,arding
claims are to
be referred to the
Medicaid Liaison
for assistance.
- Beneficiary Billed - Claims
which cannot be directly billed
to Medicaid
(e.g., not
a Medicaid provider)
or claims which the provider will
not direct bill Medicaid
must still be
handled through a Beneficiary Billed
Although the basic process has not changed
since interChange implementation, the
instances where a Beneficiary Billed
claim is needed may be more frequent.
The general rule that providers should
be encouraged to bill the MMIS directly,
and are expected to do so, continues
to remain true. However, a Medicaid provider
cannot be forced to bill the MMIS for
a person with a spenddown balance. If
this happens, a beneficiary billed claim
form is to be used to credit an allowable
medical service or item.
The refinements made in the preemptive
edit may also require additional Beneficiary
Billed claims until providers become
accustom to the changes. One specific
preemptive edit will occur when prescriptions
are billed sooner than allowed because
of the 30 day supply limitation. Providers
may override this edit, which will allow
the claim to apply to spenddown, but
there will probably be a time period
of adjustment to this new edit.
The billing software
used by some providers may
also continue to
interfere with the
Regardless of the billing method, when
the disposition of a specific claim is
at issue and requires further review,
the item is to be referred to the local
Medicaid Liaison for assistance. The
liaison will refer the issue to central
office or fiscal agent claims staff for
additional details, if necessary. Eligibility
staff are not expected to conduct detailed
claims research.
- Spenddown Windows
in the MMIS:
We told you last fall that copies of all spenddown correspondences sent
to beneficiaries would be available through the OnDemand Archival and
Retrival system. This will no longer occur. Because of storage limitations
OnDemand will not hold copies of these letters. Instead, copies will
be available through three new MMIS windows. Descriptions of these
new windows follow. Please remember, as with other spenddown windows,
these are related to a specific case number and may be tied to multiple
- Spenddown
Notice Search - Use this window to
select a base
period. All applicable base
periods in which
a medically needy benefit plan
exists will
display. Access this window
from the Beneficiary subsystem.
- Spenddown Notice List
- Once a base period
is selected
from the above window,
a list of all notices
generated for
the chosen base period,
will display. Select
the notice to view.
- Spenddown Notice Layout
- This window will display information
on the notice
sent to the
case head. Information regarding
the different
types of notices is provided
below (see item
V). Although the window is
not an exact replica of the
sent to the
case head, all information
sent to the consumer is displayed
this window.
Because it contains duplicate
included in the actual notice,
it may be used
when a copy of a notice is
needed, such as in an appeal
Although there
are three separate notice types,
only one type is displayed
The ‘Agency Use’ column
is only displayed
on the window.
It does
not appear on
the notice sent
to the beneficiary.
- Spenddown Claim - Although
not new window to the MMIS,
a modification has
been made to
this window. The purpose of
this window is to display a
of all claims
that have applied to spenddown
for any given
base period. The ‘Show
All Claims’ option has been added
to the existing window that will allow
the user to see a history of claims activity
against the spenddown. When this field
is selected, information for claims previously
allowed against the spenddown will display.
A status of ‘active’ tells
us the claim is currently used against
the spenddown. A status of ‘inactive’ tells
us the claim
was once used
against spenddown,
but has since
been adjusted
or reversed.
If adjusted,
more information
about the mother
and daughter
claims (see
II (B)(3) above)
can be viewed
by selecting
the ICN. The
switch to select
the new option
is located in
the top right
corner of the window.
- New KAECSES Alert:
Last fall we told you a hard copy of the spenddown summary letter would
be sent to the individual case worker when a spenddown became met.
This will not occur. As explained above, new windows have been created
in the MMIS that allow the user to view copies of all spenddown notices.
A new KAECSES alert has been created to notify the worker when a spenddown
has been met.
The new alert will be generated when a
Spenddown Summary notice is sent. The
summary notice will be sent when a spenddown
is met through an MMIS bill, including
past base periods. This will occur the
Saturday following the receipt of a PB
or BB claim satisfying the spenddown.
However, a decrease in the spenddown
amount sent from KAECSES may also trigger
this alert, if other claims have already
been allowed against the spenddown. Separate
alerts will be produced for each base
The alert will read ‘(base
period start) MM-YY / (base period
end) MM-YY
Spenddown Met’
Upon receipt of this alert, staff are
expected to review the summary notice
on the MMIS window to determine appropriate
food stamp medical deductions. Keep in
mind no alert will be generated for a
case going back into spenddown status.
- Spenddown Letters
One of the primary results of the redesigned spenddown process will be the
generation of spenddown letters. As explained previously, no spenddown
notifications generated from the MMIS have been mailed. A deliberate
decision was made to delay the distribution of the notices until accurate
letters could be produced. As changes have now been implemented to
ensure accurate letters, mailing has been scheduled as indicated below.
However, please make note that modifications
have been made to the spenddown letters
originally presented last fall. First,
an additional letter has also been added.
These changes were necessary to accurately
account for claims and to provide the
beneficiary a more complete summary of
spenddown activity. Second, the planned
notices were modified to accommodate
variances in situations. The three spenddown
notices are described below and sample
copies of the notices are included with
this material.
- Weekly Notice
(Spenddown Activity
Letter) - This
notice is produced every
Saturday following the weekly MMIS
claims financial cycle.
It lists all
bills used against the
spenddown during
the week. This
notice is only produced
if claims activity occurs within
the week. An adjustment
made to a claim
previously used against spenddown
may also trigger
a new weekly
- Summary Notice (Spenddown
Met Letter) - This notice is
produced when claims
activity causes
the case to move from unmet
to met status during the previous
online version of this
letter has an additional
column, ‘agency
use’ which
is not
on the
This column
used to
the portion
of the
bill the
is expected
to cover.
in this
will be
for payment
by Medicaid.
this column
to be the
have paid.
Unmet Letter
- This is a
new notice.
It is produced
when a client
moves from met
to unmet spenddown
status during
the previous
in one of the following situations:
- an KAECSES update is received with an increased spenddown amount or a
shortened base period
which causes a previously met spenddown to become unmet
- an adjustment to
a claim used against
the spenddown is
processed which reduces
the amount allowed
against thespenddown causing a previously met spenddown to become unmet.
This notice
is only produced
when timely
and adequate
may be given
the MMIS, as
explained in
item VI below.
All notices are created early Saturday
morning and mailed the following Monday.
he delay may cause some confusion for
clients who receive services over the
weekend. Both the Saturday creation date
and the Monday mailing date are displayed
on the actual notice.
- Spenddown Processing Dates
As indicated above, cases will only go back into spenddown status when timely
and adequate notice can be given. This means that the notice will only
be sent if the action occurs in the current base period. A spenddown
will continue to be considered met if timely notice cannot be given
for the current base period. For example, a claim used to meet a spenddown
today for the period 06/03 through 11/03 is adjusted by the provider
and a lower amount is now allowable toward spenddown. The reduced claim
is no longer sufficient to satisfy the spenddown. Because timely notice
cannot be given to move the case back into spenddown status, the case
will continue to be considered met for claims payment purposes. .
For spenddown status changes, timely and
adequate notice is different than that
used for KAECSES actions. Because notices
are sent out weekly in the MMIS as opposed
to daily, the deadline for making status
changes must account for the delayed
mailing time. MMIS processes spenddown
notices one time a week, and all activity
is stored until that processing date.
Therefore, consideration must be given
not only to the date in which the change
is made, but also the date the notice
will ultimately be mailed. In practice,
an action may be taken several days before
10 day change deadline and miss the critical
mailing deadline.
For example, Joe has a spenddown of $500
for the period of 01/04 through 07/04.
He met his spenddown on 02/01/04 with
a provider billed claim from a hospital.
On 03/10/04, action is taken to increase
his spenddown from $500 to $1000 because
of an increase in income. The MMIS receives
this update and determines if the following
Monday is before or after 10 day deadline.
In this case, the following Monday is
03-15. It is prior to 10 day deadline.
Therefore, the case will be moved back
into spenddown status beginning 04-01-04.
If the exact situation existed for Jane,
except the increase had been processed
on 03-15-04, the following Monday would
be 03-22-04. This is after 10 day deadline.
The case would not be moved into unmet
spenddown status until 05-01-04.
The chart below provides these deadlines for the near future. These dates
will be added to the KAECSES code cards with the next revision.
Impact on Eligibility
Staff: The new deadline is applicable
only to MMIS changes, not
other eligibility
processes. However, the deadline
should be considered when
workload. All income and other changes
continue to be made according
to 10 day change
deadline as demonstrated in Jane’s case above. Even though
the date the case was moved into spenddown
status differs from that in Jack’s
case, the amount
of the spenddown
did not change.
The income increase
is budgeted
of the spenddown
status change
deadline and
although is
must be considered,
it does not
directly drive
the effective
date of such
action. The
current 10 day
change deadline
is also included
for reference
Staff must also continue to send an appropriate
notice of action any time action is taken
in KAECSES to change the amount of the
spenddown or bills are used on the MEEX
screen to change the amount of spenddown.
Actions taken or generated from MMIS,
including Beneficiary Billed claims,
will be generated from the MMIS.
Met to Unmet
Status Change
Clear DayChange
Met to Unmet
Clear Day Change
to Unmet
- Initial Mailing of Spenddown Letters
and Alerts
As noted earlier, beneficiary letters have
not yet been produced from the MMIS,
leaving the beneficiary without official
notification of expenses
used against the spenddown since 10-2003.
Although individuals are entitled to
this information, the volume and complexity
of sending all past due notices
would be overwhelming. Therefore, only a selected
portion of notices will be sent, as outlined
below. A beneficiary may obtain a list
of spenddown
expenses used to date for any base period
. This is to be made available to the
beneficiary when requested, as explained
All initial notices will be produced and
mailed on March 10, 2004. All claims
activity through March 9, 2004 is to
be reflected on these notices. The following
will be produced for the initial mailing:
- Summary Notice (Spenddown
Met Letter) - The notice itemizing expenses for
a met spenddown will be sent if
the following
- A claim meeting
the spenddown was
processed between
10-18-03 and
by the interChange
MMIS; and
- The base period
for the spenddown
has an end date
of 12-31-03
or later. Spenddown
periods with
earlier end
dates will not
receive a notice.
For example, John has a base period of
10/01/03 through 03/31/04. On 01-15-04
a claim was received to meet his spenddown
for this period. John will be sent a
summary notice.
- KAECSES Spenddown Met Alert
- As
indicated earlier, an alert notifying
the caseworker
of the met spenddown
will be produced when a summary
notice is sent. A special
alert will also
be sent for all spenddown base periods
which have been met since
10-16-03 and
have base periods ending before
For example, Jane had an old base period
of 01/01/03 - 06/30/03. On 01-15-04 a
claim was received with a date of service
of 05-30-03 to meet this spenddown. A
notice will not be sent to Jane, but
a KAECSES alert will be produced to inform
the worker the spenddown has been met.
- Weekly Notice (Spenddown
Activity Letter) - This
notice, telling the case head
of any bills
processed and used against the spenddown
during the week, will also
be initiated.
All claims activity processed between
02/28/04 and 03/09/04 will be
reported. No
prior activity will be reported
on the weekly notices until the
is met.
Initial notices will be mailed
on March 11, 2004. Approximately 1750
weekly activity
and 2450 spenddown met summaries will
be mailed. Copies are available
the windows described above. An additional
640 alerts will be created
for older
base periods. These special alerts, as
well as the alerts for met
are scheduled to be sent to KAECSES prior
to 03-13-03.
The first cycle of regularly scheduled
notices reflecting activity between March
10 and March 12, 2004 are scheduled to
be mailed on March 15, 2004. The first
cycle of the spenddown unmet letter will
also be produced at this time.
Because of the decision to withhold many
of the regularly scheduled notices, an
individual may request a copy of the
spenddown account. To accommodate this
request, a screen print of the spenddown
claim window can be made for the given
base period.
Please keep in mind that some of the material
previously released may no longer be
accurate, including the training packet
released last fall. If you have questions
about this material, feel free to contact
me at (785) 296-8866. KAECSES and other
systems related questions are directed
to SRSTSC (HelpDesk) and questions regarding
individual claims are directed to the
local Medicaid Liaison.