2200 - REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIC TO TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE FOR NEEDY FAMILIES (TANF) - "See Policy Memo # # 05-07-03 re: "Clarification Between TANF & Financial Support from Provider to Out-of-home Relative Caretakers".


2210 Child in Family - There must be at least one child in the home or qualifying under temporary absence provisions of 2223. In order for any family member to qualify, a child must be included in the assistance plan for TANF benefits unless the child is: (a) unborn; or (b) excluded as an SSI recipient. When the only child is an unborn, the woman’s statement of the pregnancy and the expected due date is acceptable proof. Prudent person principle applies (see KEESM 1310). See 4100 for assistance planning provisions for TANF.


NOTE: Children in state custody placed with a caretaker are not entitled to receive both a TANF payment and a foster care payment in the same month. Also, families working with Child Welfare Community Based Service (CWCBS) Providers for the receipt of foster care payments for children who have been placed with them may receive TANF for those children during the interim period before the receipt of foster care payments. (See 6410.) However, a caretaker or non-relative foster parent may receive TANF for a dependent child of a foster care recipient if the dependent child and foster care recipient are living together in the foster family home, the dependent child is not in DCF custody, and other TANF requirements are met. Please refer to Policy Memo No. 05-07-03.


A child must be an unborn child, under 18 years of age, or age 18 and working toward attainment of a high school diploma or its equivalent, including students attending a home school that is registered with the Kansas Department of Education. The person may be considered a child the entire month he or she turns 18, or if pursuing a high school diploma or its equivalent the entire month he or she turns age 19. A person acting in their own behalf per 2110 is not considered a child for TANF purposes.

A child, age 7 through 18, must be enrolled in school, including a home school that is registered with the Kansas Department of Education. Ineligibility for the entire household will exist if a child in the home is not enrolled in school.

The application can be processed if the family indicates the child will be enrolled when the first opportunity arises in the following situations:

The agency will need to follow-up and if the child is not enrolled at the start of the school year, or first available time for orientation, the TANF case is ineligible and the case is to be closed, allowing for timely and adequate notice.

The statement of the applicant in regard to the month and day of the birth of the child will be accepted by the agency unless there is reason to question its authenticity or unless evidence establishes the month and day of birth as being different from that given by the applicant. If the agency establishes a month and day, that will be considered as the actual date of birth for the child. Age may be established by means of official papers, other written documents, birth registrations or, in exceptional cases, by the use of affidavits if verification is needed.


If the applicant is not able to give the month and day of birth for a child and if the agency is unable to establish any month and day, July 1 is to be used arbitrarily as the child's birth date.