3330 Activities Not Countable for Federal Work Participation - The activities in this section provide valuable services to clients but are generally not countable toward meeting the Federal TANF work participation rates. These activity designations may be used to help EES staff monitor caseload activity.
The following activities in this section identify partners who are working with mutual clients: Alcohol and Other Drug Assessment and Treatment, Disability Employment Services, Early Head Start, Head Start, Mental Health Care, Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault, and Workforce Investment Opportunity Act . When one of these cases is pulled in the Sample for the TANF Report, EES staff need to work with the client and the partner staff to document the actual work participation activity in primary and/or secondary activities and hours for the sample month. (Note: Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault participation will always be "0" hours and actual activity hours in Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault is not documented in the Sample.) EES staff shall work with partners to assure understanding of the need for effective communication of supervision, verification, and documentation information.
3330.1 Alcohol and Other Drug Assessment and Treatment (TANF) - The SASSI screen must be administered as part of the assessment process. It is recommended that the SASSI be completed within the first 90 days of TANF approval and is required to be completed by the 12th month of TANF assistance. All cases that do not have the SASSI completed within the first 90 days must have the extension approved by the Employment Services Manager. A Solutions Recovery Care Coordination (SRCC) counselor will administer this screen and will be responsible for assessing the results. If the TANF applicant is a refugee, the AUDIT or the DAST may be administered in place of the SASSI. The TANF client will meet individually with the SRCC or qualified assessment counselor to review the assessment results, sign a release of information to DCF(ES-4412), and determine if further assessment, including a drug test, is needed. The SRCC counselor will call the local drug testing site (see Collections Sites in KEESM Forms) to schedule a testing time, preferably the same day or within 24 hours of determining a drug test is needed. SRCC will note the time and date for the drug test on the ES-4108. SRCC will provide the Work Program case manager with the clinical interpretations ES-4412.
NOTE: See 3310.8 for consideration of short-term substance abuse treatment as a Job Readiness work activity.
3330.2 Assessment (TANF Only) - This activity should be utilized when a client is participating in the assessment process. This activity is initially used during the first 90 day assessment period. Once initial assessments are addressed, this activity may only be used for 30 day non-consecutive intervals. During the 90 day assessment period the client should also be engaged in other employment focused activities.
3330.3 Prevention and Protection Services (TANF Only) - This activity should be utilized when the family is working with Prevention and Protection Services (PPS) staff. The plan developed by the PPS staff will be considered the client's work activity requirement. This plan will be considered part of the client’s Job Search/Job Readiness activities and will be monitored as such with reviews of progress at least every six months.
3330.4 Disability Employment Services (TANF Only) - Work Program staff should consider the following criteria in determining whether to make a direct referral to RS for vocational rehabilitation (VR) services:
The client is interested in pursuing employment; and
The client has a physical or mental disability and/or functional limitations have been identified; or
The client was a participant in special education services during secondary education.
See Appendix Item #E-12, EES Screening Tool for Referral to Rehabilitation Services.
EES clients who do not meet these criteria may be referred directly to the RS Career Development Centers (CDCs) or to a private contractor for further assessment; or referred directly to their physician for a definitive medical report.
RS maintains an open application process for VR services. Clients who do not meet the direct referral criteria listed above may apply directly if that is their informed choice.
Available medical, psychological or employment records will be included with the referral to RS. Documentation may include but is not limited to: medical statement, prescription, letter from doctor, psychological/psychiatric evaluation or DDS Claim form. See the Miscellaneous Forms Section for an example of a Definitive Medical Report letter used by Rehabilitation Services staff.
EES clients who are referred to RS for VR services will complete the eligibility determination process. Eligible clients will then be placed in a priority category to determine access to services according to the RS Order of Selection policy. EES should continue to make referrals to RS even though the client may be placed on a waiting list for VR services. For EES clients who are eligible for VR services and on a waiting list, the RS counselor will provide recommendations to Work Programs for employment-related activities that the client should participate in while on the waiting list. Such activities may include, but are not limited to: psychological evaluation; vocational assessment; ABE/GED; referral to contracted employment services, or medical evaluation. These activities would be purchased with TANF funds and incorporated into the client’s Self-Sufficiency Agreement (SSA). Once a client is removed from the waiting list, RS will promptly advise Work Programs of the change in status. RS and Work Program staff will coordinate to determine how to proceed with service delivery based on the client’s informed choice and progress toward employment at that time.
The plan developed by RS staff will be considered the client's work activity. Work Programs will generally provide support services for mutual clients participating in VR services. However, local staff have the flexibility to address special circumstances to meet the individual client's needs.
Refer to Appendix, Item R-4 for Procedural Best Practice information.
It is appropriate to share information on mutual clients on a need-to-know basis and the EES/RS Monthly Communication Report (Appendix R-5) is available to facilitate communication.
NOTE: See 3310.8 for considered of short term rehabilitation services as a Job Readiness work activity. Counseling, vocational training and participation in skills training, subsidized employment or work experience must be noted in conjunction with the Disability Employment Services activity.
3330.5 Head Start and Early Head Start (TANF Only) - Head Start and Early Head Start participation enhances a child’s physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development; supports parents’ efforts to fulfill their parental roles; and helps parents move toward self-sufficiency. Activities may include weekly home visits, parent meeting presentations, classroom volunteer and participation on policy councils. Family Partnership Agreements are established and describe family goals, responsibilities, time tables and strategies for achieving these goals as well as progress made toward achieving them.
NOTE: Work Program staff shall work with Head Start and/or Early Head Start to determine if any activity may be considered Supervised Community Service or Work Experience. Classroom volunteer and participation on policy councils may be considered Supervised Community Service for federal work participation reporting. The Work Program case manager will add Supervised Community Service, Work Experience, or other appropriate primary activities in conjunction with Head Start or Early Head Start. .
3330.6 Mental Health Care (TANF Only) - This activity is appropriate for clients who are working with a mental health provider to resolve temporary or permanent limitations to employment. The issues being addressed must be documented by the use of the ES-4309, a psychological evaluation or other medical evaluations. The number of weekly scheduled hours the client is participating in therapy or treatment with the mental health provider may be counted as participation under the Job Search/Readiness activity. Need for this therapy or treatment must be documented by a professional Mental Health care provider and is subject to a second opinion. The client should be engaged in an employment focused activity in addition to the Mental Health Care activity whenever appropriate. If not appropriate, the Work Program case manager will journal a brief description of the clients condition and if SSI/SSDI benefits are being pursued. If condition is permanent, and persistently debilitating the client does not need to be placed in any additional activities. Clients placed in the Mental Health Care activity must be reviewed no less than every 6 months at which time updated documentation may be required.
NOTE: See 3310.8 for consideration of short-term mental health treatment as a Job Readiness Work activity.
3330.7 Two-Parent Child Care Component (TANF Only) - This activity is used in the instance where one parent in a two parent family stays home to watch the children while the other parent participates in the work programs activity for the minimum of 35 hours or the number of hours required to meet federal participation. If the first parent is participating but is not able to meet the required hours of participation, the second parent must be assigned to a primary activity for the additional hours needed.
This activity cannot be used for a 1 parent household. This activity cannot be used if there is an open child care plan for a common child between the two adults.
3330.8 Mentoring (TANF Only) - This activity should be used when the client is working with the Transitional Retention Services worker. The client should be engaged in an employment focused activity in addition to the Mentoring activity. Clients placed in the Mentoring activity must be reviewed no less than every 6 months. All hours participated in for this activity will be countable under the Job Search/Job Readiness activity if needed.
3330.9 Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault – Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault(DV/SA) as defined by DCF Work Programs is the victimization of a person who has or has had an intimate or spousal relationship with their abuser. It includes violence against both men and women and may encompass social/financial isolation, deprivation, physical, sexual, emotional and/or mental abuse.
DCF will screen all TANF applicants for DV/SA during interviews and TANF recipients regularly thereafter. TANF individuals meeting the DV/SA definition are to be referred to the local DV/SA Centers to receive services. DCF will work with the DV/SA advocates and the TANF recipient to ensure that the recipient is placed in a safe and appropriate employment focused activity once the recipient accepts DV/SA services.
DCF/EES Case Manger Responsibilities:
Expectations for DV/SA survivors:
NOTE: Following safety planning, local DV/SA Center staff may team with the EES Case Manager to provide input to reflect placement or removal from activities and to provide the necessary EES support services. The need to continue the Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault activity is assessed minimally at six month intervals.
Local DV/SA Centers:
3330.10 Physical Health Care (TANF Only) - This activity should be utilized when the client is addressing specific short term or permanent health limitations which have been documented using the ES-4309 or other medical evaluations. If the client has verified documentation they cannot work and are pursuing federal disability benefits, they may be placed in the Physical Health Care activity without any corresponding primary activities.
The Physical Health Care activity is appropriate to use while a client is exempt due to having a child under 2 months. If medical complications continue after the two-month exemption period, a journal entry should be made explaining why Physical Health Care is being extended.
The Physical Health Care activity can also be used for a client whose presence is temporarily required at home to care for another member of the home whose condition does not permit self-care. In order to document the need for this person to provide care, the worker must obtain the following information from the medical provider on the ES-4310: the medically determined condition; the number of hours care is needed; how long will care be needed, and who can provide care.
The client should be engaged in an employment focused activity in addition to the Physical Health Care activity whenever appropriate. Clients placed in the Physical Health Care activity must be reviewed no less than every 6 months at which time updated documentation may be required.
3330.11 Refugee Employment Services - This activity is to be used for all mandatory TANF refugees that are working with the local Refugee Funded Social Service Agency. Any hours of participation the client has in an activity with the Refugee Agency should be counted under the appropriate primary or secondary activity.
3330.12 Work Program Penalty - When a client is placed on penalty for non-cooperation with work programs, and the penalized client remains eligible for Transitional services, the Work Program Penalty activity will be opened for 0 hours. This activity may be set for the 12 months of the transitional period. If the client is not eligible for transitional services, the case manager will note the appropriate penalty information in the case file and close the work program block.
Note: When cash is closed for reasons other than a penalty and the client is eligible for transitional services, the case manager will use the activity which most closely describes the activity which closed the cash i.e.: Unsubsidized Employment . Additional explanation may be put in a journal entry if needed. Please refer to KEESM 3410 for reasons that would revoke the client’s eligibility for transitional services.
3330.13 Workforce Investment Opportunity Act (TAF Only) - When a client is referred to WIOA, the Workforce Investment Opportunity Act activity should be open and the Self-Sufficiency Agreement would indicate that the individual is participating in WIOA. The start date of the activity should be the date of the DCF referral to WIOA services. When the EES staff is notified that the client is participating in WIOA services, an appropriate activity should be added to reflect the actual WIOA activity and hours of participation.
TANF and food assistance applicants may already be participating in WIOA at the time of application for assistance. The WIOA plan will be supported by EES staff. [See 3300.2 (2)].
3330.14 Kansas Health Profession Opportunity Program - This activity can be used when a client is participating in KHPOP. The client should also have Vocation Education opened as an activity. Since KHPOP is a zero hour activity, all hours of participation in this program will be entered under the Vocational Education activity.
3330.15 Employment Services Tracking - This activity should be used when the client is Mandatory for Work Program participation but is not a TANF recipient due to a drug felony conviction, refusal to take a suspicion-based drug test, or failure of a suspicion-based drug test.