5000 - Resources
Resources include real and personal property (other than income). Real property consists of such assets as land, buildings, homes and life estates. Personal property consists of all property other than real estate including cash assets, vehicles, and household goods.
A household's resources at the time the household applies, and any changes in resources reported prior to the processing of the application, shall be used to determine the household's eligibility.
The value of a nonexempt resource, with the exception of vehicles, shall be the client's equity in the resource. Equity is defined as fair market value less encumbrances.
5110 Cash Assistance - The maximum allowable nonexempt resources of all members of the mandatory filing unit shall not exceed two thousand dollars two hundred and fifty ($2,250). This limit applies to the applicant/recipient and all persons for whom he is legally responsible unless the resources are unavailable. There is no resource limit while receiving the Work Incentive payment.
5120 Food Assistance - The maximum allowable nonexempt resources of all members of the household shall not exceed $3,500 for all households with at least one member age 60 or over or with at least one member who is considered disabled for purposes of the Food Assistance Program (see definition of "disabled" in Appendix X-6). The maximum allowable nonexempt resource limit of $2,250 applies to all other households. This limit applies to all household members, including disqualified and excluded individuals in the household.
NOTE: The above resource limits do not apply to food assistance recipients who also receive TANF (including the Work Incentive payment), or SSI. Refer to 5430 (19).
5130 Reserved
5140 Child Care – The maximum allowable non-exempt resources of all members of the family group shall not exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000). This limit applies to all persons who are included in the child care case.
Note: The above resource limits do not apply to child care cases in which the only children receiving child care assistance are also receiving SSI, families in which at least one member receives TANF, families in the first two months following the loss of TANF eligibility, families receiving Food Assistance when an adult in the household who is unemployed is participating in the Food Assistance Education and Training program, families receiving child care for a qualified social service reason, and for families participating in the Kansas Early Head Start/Child Care Partnership program.