3420 Food Assistance Support Services


3420.1 Employment Service Participation (E & T Only) – Limited federal and state funding is available for items needed by the individual to allow participation in the Food Assistance E&T program. The funding limitations for these services is established yearly in the Food Assistance E&T State Plan. The following individuals may qualify for services in this program:

  1. Food Assistance recipient for themselves

  2. Over the age of 18 years

  3. Not legally responsible for a dependent on the same Food Assistance case

  4. Not eligible/participating in GOALS


3420.2 Transportation – Transportation allowances for Food Assistance E&T clients are available to support activities. Transportation for any activity shall be based on need. Documentation of the mode of transportation to be utilized and a back-up transportation plan should be included in the case file. Documentation is also required in the event that no monthly transportation allowance is authorized. More than one transportation allowance may be approved on a needs basis when a Food Assistance E&T client is involved in more than one approved activity.