1412 Interview Process


1412.1 Interviews - All applicants for cash and/or food assistance, including those submitting applications on-line or by mail, shall have an interview via telephone, face-to-face in the DCF office, or other mutually acceptable location with a qualified eligibility worker prior to initial certification and all reviews. The applicant may bring any person he/she chooses to the interview. For special provisions regarding interview requirements, see 1412.4.


The agency shall schedule an interview for each applicant that is not interviewed on the day the application is submitted, even if the household appears to be ineligible based on information provided on the application form (e.g. excess income, excess resources). Interviews shall be scheduled as promptly as possible to insure that eligible households receive an opportunity to participate within timely processing standards. The agency must notify each household that misses its interview appointment that it missed the scheduled interview and that the household is responsible for rescheduling the missed interview. If the household contacts the agency within the 30 (food assistance) or 45 (cash) day application processing period, the agency must schedule a second interview.


NOTE: The notice of missed interview is automatically sent by the system when an interview has been indicated but not completed or marked as exempt.


NOTE FOR CHILD CARE: A face-to-face interview is recommended at the time of the initial application for the purpose of developing the childcare plan, and providing program information and information on choosing quality child care. If the client is unable to come to an in-person interview the face-to-face interview shall be waived in lieu of a telephone interview. If the client cannot be reached by phone and a home visit is not feasible, the interview requirement for child care only may be waived entirely on a case-by-case basis. See1412.4


NOTE FOR TANF: A face-to-face interview is recommended at the time of the initial application.

1412.2 Who May Be Interviewed - The individual to be interviewed may be any one of the following:

1412.3 Agency's Responsibilities For the Interview - The agency shall:


    1. Protect the applicant's right to privacy during the interview. Facilities shall be adequate to preserve the privacy and confidentiality of the interview.

    2. Provide households subject to change reporting with an oral and written explanation of their responsibility to report changes, what changes to report, what verification must accompany the report, and a change report form.

      Provide households subject to simplified reporting with an oral and written explanation of their responsibility to report changes, how to complete and return an interim report or 12 month report, and what verification must accompany the interim report or 12 month report.

    3. Provide households subject to work related requirements with an explanation of performance expectations, individual responsibility, employability, and available agency and support services. Households exempt from work related requirements should be advised of the opportunity to volunteer for these services. All TANF adults will be referred to employment services. TANF households should be advised of the 24-month time limit.

    4. Inform clients of all types of child care available and how to access each type. Assist families in selecting an appropriate, quality child care provider and provide the name and number of the local Child Care Resource and Referral Agency.

    5. Screen applicants at the time of application to determine whether current or former victims of sexual harassment and survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking are involved in the individual's current need for assistance. DCF requires that all DV/SA victims have access to assistance when needed and if otherwise eligible. Notification includes information about extension of time limits for victims of sexual harassment and survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking victims and confidentiality for disclosures. TANF time limits may be extended to 36 months, in lieu of the mandatory 24-month life time limits. Suggested screening questions are on the system.  See the KEES user manual for more information about entering the Family/Person Safety Questions. DVSA services must be offered. A referral for DVSA services must be made if the client chooses to participate at any time by completing the ES-4416 DCF/DVSA Referral Form and sending it to DCF.EESDVSA@ks.org. Local services are available on the Kansas Coalition Against Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence web site: http://www.kcsdv.org.

Telephone Interviews - A telephone interview shall be scheduled in lieu of a face-to-face interview for applications that are received through the mail, submitted online or dropped off at the local office. A date and time for the telephone interview must be provided to the household. A two-hour window-of-time should be used when scheduling the telephone interview. A shorter window-of-time can be used, but a window-of-time longer than 2 hours cannot be used. Face-to-face interviews should still be conducted for households who apply in person at the local office and the household stays for the interview. A face-to-face interview can also be required using prudent person judgment based on the household’s circumstances and the agency’s needs. A home visit may be used for the interview if needed, as long as it is scheduled in advance (advance notice only required for food assistance).

If a telephone interview is scheduled and the household requests a face-to-face interview, it must be granted to any household which requests one.

For food assistance, if a face-to-face interview is requested and the household claims any of the hardships noted below, a telephone interview must be substituted for the face-to-face interview:

  1. Households which have no earned income and all members of the household are elderly or disabled.

  2. On a case-by-case basis because of household hardship situations which include but are not limited to: illness, transportation difficulties, care of a household member, hardships due to residency in a rural area, prolonged severe weather, or work or training hours which prevent the household from participating in an in-office interview.


A face-to-face interview must be granted to any household which requests one.