7410 Cash Program Standards - For cash, standards have been developed for persons in their own or other family home, specialized living, commercial board and room, and commercial room-only arrangement.


7411 Budgetary Standards (TANF) - These standards apply to persons in their own or other family home, specialized living (see 4160), commercial board and room, and commercial room-only arrangements.


The basic and shelter allowances are combined into two tables which are to be used in determining eligibility and the amount of payment in cash cases. In addition to the standard amount, any appropriate special need requirements are to be added in determining total need. (See 7412.)

Basic allowances have been established to cover the costs of food, clothing, personal allowances and household needs, utilities, laundry, telephone, transportation, household furnishings and equipment, school supplies, and tuition for children. The amounts of $132 for one, $217 for two, $294 for three, $362 for four, and $61 for each additional person constitute the basis upon which the standardized tables were designed.


The allowances include $18 per person for the purpose of being an energy supplement.

Shelter allowances have been established based on location in the state. There are five shelter groups in the state as follows: $92 for Groups I and II, $97 for Group III, $109 for Group IV, and $135 for Group V. A county group assignment is included within this section. These amounts constitute the basis upon which the standardized tables were designed.


Three standardized tables have been designed for the purpose of determining eligibility and the amount of payment. Following are descriptions of when a particular table is to be used. The tables are in the Appendix.


  1. Table I - This table represents l00% of the basic and shelter allowances. This table is to be used in all TANF cases when:

    1. All persons in the home are included in the same assistance plan;

    2. The only person excluded from the plan is an SSI recipient to whom the statutory 1/3 reduction has been applied to the SSI payment or is a child in joint custody who is ineligible to receive assistance in accordance with 2220;

    3. There is a shared living arrangement resulting from a commercial and bona fide landlord/tenant relationship with persons excluded from the assistance plan; or

    4. There is a specialized living, commercial board and room, or commercial room-only arrangement.

  1. Table II - This table represents 100% of the basic allowance plus a percentage reduction of the shelter allowance of 60% for one, 50% for two, 40% for three, 35% for four, 30% for five, and 20% for six or more persons in the assistance plan. This table shall be used in all TANF cases when there is a shared living arrangement with one or more persons residing in the home and not included in the budget plan. For exceptions see 7411 (1)