2830 Types of Child Care - Child care recipients are coded with one of the following subtypes or payment codes. Each subtype has specific eligibility guidelines and requirements.


2831 JO (TANF) Child Care - JO Child Care is used when any member of the nuclear family (as defined in KEESM 4410) receives TANF (including the Work Incentive payment), and for TANF applicants for activities as established by Work Programs policy. For applicants, if the application for TANF is denied, the child care plan shall be terminated.  When initial notification of eligibility is sent, the following statement should be included:  "if the application for cash assistance is denied, child care benefits will be terminated at the end of the next possible month, with 10 days notice. If you become employed, additional child care assistance may be available."     


JO Child Care may be used for the following reasons:


  1. EP (EPS Services) - TANF recipients needing child care to participate in Work Programs.  This includes Tribal members who are subject to requirements under Indian Tribal TANF programs if not furnished by the Tribal Child Care program.  Child care which is appropriate in meeting any special needs of Tribal participants must be made available on an equitable basis.
  2. EM (Employment) - TANF recipients who need child care for employment. Since participation in on-campus Job Corps programs is considered employment, JO Child Care is available for TANF-eligible Job Corps participants. 
  3. SS (Social Services) - TANF recipient families who have a temporary emergency need. This is primarily based upon the parent/caretaker’s need and will be authorized for twelve (12) months months. Twenty-four (24) hours of care per day may be available for a period not to exceed 30 days dependent upon the situation. Regulated providers need to have a written authorization for an exception from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Child Care Licensing to provide more than 18 hours of care per day by the same person.

    Children in families with or without open social service cases may be eligible.

    Qualifying social service reasons would be “parents with crisis”:
    1. Parent hospitalized or otherwise temporarily unable to provide adequate care for the child. This could be inpatient or outpatient, for physical health, mental health or substance abuse treatment. There is no other adult to care for the child.
    2. Family in the process of DCF Intake and Assessment through Child Protective Services.
    3. Family receiving services through a family preservation contractor or DCF Prevention and Protection Services (PPS) Social Worker.

The Social Service child care reason would not be used for:

    1. Children placed with a non-licensed, approved relative where the relative is employed. The EM (employment) reason code should be used.
    2. Children in licensed foster care (foster care contractors are responsible for child care). EES child care subsidy would not be used.
    3. Children in foster care being placed back with the parent on a limited basis and child care is needed due to parent employment. The EM reason code should be used.
    4. Respite care.
    5. SSI children.
    6. Children over the age of 13. The appropriate reason code would be used based on the need for care.
    7. Disabled children. The appropriate reason code would be used based on the need for care.

A Request for Social Services Child Care form (ES-1627) is required and must be signed by the EES/SS Program Administrator or designee in the respective DCF Service Center. At the end of the twelve (12)-month timeframe, the family must meet another of the qualifying reasons for child care in order to continue receiving child care assistance.

  1. EH (Kansas Early Head Start Partnership participants) - Child care is available for families participating in the Kansas Early Head Start/Child Care Partnership program. EES staff will determine if the family has any outstanding cooperation or fraud issues, but all other aspects of eligibility shall be determined by the Early Head Start grantees based on Early Head Start eligibility standards.

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