9220 Open Cases Being Transferred - If a case is in open status both the old office and the new office have responsibilities in completing the transfer. The original review period remains for all programs.

The office where the client reports the change is responsible to complete the following changes (following the principle of First Contact Resolution) :

  1. Either office, old or new, is responsible to update the case file, adjusting the address, county of residence, standard of need by changing case location on EXNS and ADDR and notifying CSS of any change in absent parent.

  2. Drag and Drop One-Note from existing county to new county by contacting designated individual in local office.

  3. For TANF and food assistance programs, adjust shelter expenses if known.

  4. For child care, if a change in providers is reported, close existing child care plans and write new plans with the new provider if adequate information is known. Send appropriate notices to the provider(s) (see 1431).

  5. For all medical programs, authorize the last paid benefit month (after updating ADDR) to ensure proper managed care assignment in the new county.

  6. For MS AC or CI programs, obtain an MS-2126 from the new facility, and update LOTC with current level of care information (if necessary).

  7. For HCBS programs, an ES-3161 shall be sent to the HCBS Case Manager notifying them of the new address. This is not necessary if the HCBS Case Manager has already initiated an ES-3161.

  8. For MediKan RN programs, if persons qualifying are unknown to the KAECSES eligibility system, the EES worker is responsible for opening the case to MediKan reintegration and transferring it to the county of placement as stated above, except that the shelter standard for the county of placement shall be used in establishing the need standard for persons placed in independent living arrangements. For persons who are known to the KAECSES eligibility system, the area contact person in the area in which the case is located is responsible for opening and/or interprogram transferring the case to MediKan reintegration based on instructions for the EES worker. If the person will be placed in a county other than the county in which the case record is located, the case record shall be transferred to the county of placement after the case is opened to MediKan reintegration.

    The EES worker is also responsible for facilitating and coordinating the eligibility process for non-MediKan reintegration clients who will be eligible for other cash and medical programs upon release from a state psychiatric institution. This includes the responsibility for opening a new case and transferring it to the county of placement or working with the area contact person in the county of placement and/or the county where the case is located to get a new case opened on a previous case reopened. The primary objective is to insure prompt and accurate eligibility decisions and services to the individual as close to discharge as possible.

  9. Send a notice advising the client the case has been transferred. If a review, application, or Interim Report Form is needed, the office notified of the change is responsible to apply the principle of First Contact Resolution.

  10. When a client moves without providing a new address, use procedures in 9124.

  11. For work programs, close all activities on SESP/COUP unless the participant is moving to accept employment. Terminate all outstanding transportation allowance (TRPA) payments and transfer KSCARES with KAECSS S. If the individual(s) is moving to accept employment, open only the EMP component on COUP. If moving to accept new employment, TRPA may be set up for the month the move takes place.

    NOTE: If the individual is participating in the food assistance E&T (FAE&T) program and is transferring outside of the seven counties in which E&T is offered (See KEESM 3100 #3) the MO/OP (FAE&T) KSCARES case must be closed and support services terminated. If transferring within the seven counties, MO may remain open and support services may continue. The case closure should be initiated by the E&T provider, but EES staff should check KSCARES whenever a food assistance only case is being transferred out of one of the seven E&T counties to assure the MO case has been closed.

  12. For child care, close any open child care plans and send appropriate notices to the providers (see 1431). Plans may be left open if the child continues care with the same provider.

  13. Enter the new caseload number on KAECSS S/KsCares and transfer the paper file to the new county using the appropriate procedures.

  14. Complete the ICT -

    1. Request current and banked file(s) from the office holding the file; or

    2. Pull current and banked file(s) and mail to the new office.


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