1436 Death and Prisoner Match (Food Assistance Only) – The agency conducts data matching on a regular basis with the Social Security Administration, the Kansas Department of Corrections, and the Kansas Bureau of Vital Statistics to identify individuals who are deceased or in prison. Death matches are to be conducted at Application and no less frequently than every 12 months. Prisoner matches are to be conducted at Application and Review. Tasks are generated on cases that require further investigation for death and prisoner matches and are not considered verified upon receipt. The agency is to take action to ensure that an individual who is detained in a Federal, State or local penal, correctional, or other detention facility for more than 30 days shall be ineligible to participate in the Food Assistance Program. Any matches that are unclear or require action by the worker must be verified. If the information from the match is unclear the worker must send a Request for Verification of match results to the household. The household must be allowed 10 days from the mailing date to respond and to clarify its circumstances.

If the household does not respond to the notice or fails to provide adequate information to clarify its circumstances, the worker must remove the individual identified in the match from the household, timely notice is required.

If the household responds to the notice, simplified reporting rules apply. The results must be documented in the case journal. If the household disputes the match, the agency will pursue additional verification either from other sources or from the household.

Exception - If the household is a one-person household, the agency has sent the request for verification for the death match, and the household either does not respond, or there is a response and it confirms the match, the agency is not required to send a notice of adverse action. This is only true if the agency has verification that all members of the household are deceased.