7700 - Households Containing Sponsored Non-citizens


This section outlines specific provisions that apply to nonexempt sponsored non-citizens in addition to all other general provisions of the Food Assistance Program and cash programs.


The food assistance special procedures of this section are not programmed into the system; therefore, these procedures must be completed off the system and entered onto the system as appropriate.


A sponsored non-citizen is any non-citizen who is admitted to the United States for permanent residence as an immigrant, as defined in Sections 101(a)(15) and 101(a)(20) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Non-citizens admitted under these sections are required, as a condition of entry, to be "sponsored" by a person who executes an affidavit of support or similar agreement on behalf of the non-citizens. The only non-citizens that will qualify under this section are ones that meet the criteria 2141 of and are sponsored.


7710 Exempt Non-citizens - The following non-citizens are exempt from the additional sponsored non-citizen  provisions of this section:


  1. A sponsored non-citizen  whose sponsor signed the affidavit of support prior to February 1, 1983;

  2. A non-citizen  who is participating in the program as a member of his or her sponsor's household, or an non-citizen whose sponsor is participating in the program separate and apart from the non-citizen;

  3. A non-citizen who is sponsored by an organization or group as opposed to an individual;

  4. A non-citizen who is not required to have a sponsor under the Immigration and Nationality Act, such as, but not limited to, a refugee, a parolee, one granted asylum, and a Cuban or Haitian entrant.