7730 Verification Requirements for Food Assistance - The State agency shall obtain from the non-citizen or non-citizen's spouse, the following information:

  1. The income and resources of the non-citizen's sponsor and the sponsor's spouse (if living with the sponsor) at the time of the non-citizen's application for food assistance assistance;
  2. The names or other identifying factors (such as a non-citizen registration number) of other non-citizens for whom the sponsor has signed an affidavit of support or similar agreement to initiate the proration provision of 7722;
  3. The provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act under which the non-citizen was admitted;
  4. The date of the non-citizen's entry or admission as a lawful, permanent resident, as established by USCIS;
  5. The non-citizen's date of birth, place of birth, and non-citizen registration number;
  6. The number of tax dependents claimed or who could be claimed by the sponsor and his/her spouse for federal income tax purposes;
  7. The name, address, and phone number of the non-citizen's sponsor.

The agency shall always verify the information obtained from the household regarding items 1 and 2 above and shall verify all other information which the agency determines to be questionable and which affects the household eligibility and benefit level, in accordance with the procedures established for verifying questionable information in 1322.3. The agency shall assist non-citizens in obtaining verification, if necessary, per 1322.


Awaiting Verification - If information necessary to determine the amount of the sponsor's income and resources to be counted available to the non-citizen under 7722 is not received or verified on a timely basis, the sponsored non-citizen and his/her spouse shall be ineligible until such time as all necessary facts are obtained. The eligibility of any remaining household members shall be determined. The income and resources of the non-citizen and his/her spouse (excluding the attributed income and resources of the non-citizen's sponsor and sponsor's spouse) shall be treated in the same manner as a disqualified member as set forth in 4212. If the sponsored non-citizen refuses to cooperate in providing and/or verifying needed information other adult members of the non-citizen's household shall be responsible for providing and/or verifying information, required in accordance with 2121. If the information or verification is subsequently received, it shall be acted upon as a reported change in household membership in accordance with the timeliness standards of 9121.1 or 9122.7, as appropriate. If the same sponsor is responsible for the entire household, the entire household is ineligible until such time as needed sponsor information is provided and/or verified.