1414 Disposition of Applications - The purpose of this section is to provide instructions regarding the procedures which follow the determination of eligibility or ineligibility for assistance. Eligibility/ineligibility is certified using the eligibility system procedures.


One of the following case actions must occur within the established time period outlined in 1413.

NOTE: For food assistance, no household shall have its food assistance application denied solely on the basis that its application for another program is being denied, or its benefits under another program have been terminated, without a separate determination that the household failed to satisfy a food assistance eligibility requirement. Households that file an application for food assistance and another program and are denied benefits for the other program shall not be required to file another application for food assistance, but shall have its food assistance eligibility determined based on the original application in accordance with the processing time frames of 1413 from the date the application for multiple programs was initially filed.


1414.1 Approval - A notice of approval(s) shall be sent for all programs determined eligible. Notices must contain the amount of benefits and the beginning and ending dates of the review period.


Approved - An application shall be approved for cash, food assistance and   childcare assistance if the applicant meets all conditions of eligibility as substantiated by his statement and/or other necessary information. All households are to be notified of the appropriate reporting requirements upon approval for benefits. See 9120.

For child care, if provider enrollment needs to be established by DCF and is not completed within the 30 day application processing time frame, financial eligibility shall be established. If financially eligible, the application shall be approved. The client shall be notified that child care plans and benefits cannot be established until an DCF approved provider has been enrolled . See 10000 regarding provider selection, enrollment. and payment procedures.


1414.2 Denial - A denial shall be processed to assure that the applicant is provided with his/her denial notice in a timely manner. A notice of denial shall be sent at the time of denial, clearly explaining the reason for the denial.

  1. Found Ineligible-

    All Programs - An application shall be denied if the applicant is found to be ineligible (i.e., excess income, excess resources, etc.) as soon as possible, but not later than 30 days (Food Assistance/Child Care) and 45 days (cash) following the date the application was filed. If participation is subsequently desired, such households must file a new application.    

    In no case does the denial of the application abridge that individual's right to reapply at any time.

  2. Missed Scheduled Interview -

    1. Cash - An application shall be denied following the missed appointment when the applicant has failed to appear for the scheduled interview (which can include a scheduled telephone interview) and has made no subsequent contact with the agency to reschedule the interview and pursue the application. If the household requests and completes the interview at any time during the initial 45-day application-processing time period, the original application must be processed and, if eligible, benefits prorated from the date of application.


    2. Food Assistance - An application shall be denied on the 30th day following the date of application when the applicant has failed to interview and has made no subsequent contact with the agency to reschedule the interview and pursue the application. The application may not be denied prior to the 30th day following the date of application.

      When the food assistance applicant misses the scheduled interview,  the  agency is required to send the household a Notice of Missed Interview (NOMI). The NOMI notifies the applicant that they have missed their interview appointment, that they are responsible for rescheduling the interview, and that their food assistance application will be denied on the 30th day following the date of application unless they complete an interview.

      If the household requests and completes the interview in the second 30 days from the date of application, the application shall be reactivated and, if eligible, benefits prorated from the date the interview was completed. In the latter situation, efforts shall be made to interview the client on the same day an interview is requested. If, however, the agency is unable to interview the client the same day an interview is requested, the agency may schedule a later interview, provided benefits are prorated from the date the interview was requested. The date of application shall be the date the interview was requested.

      Denials for failure to complete an interview take precedence over denials for failure to provide information. For food assistance, this means that if the applicant fails to complete the interview process and fails to provide information requested prior to the interview, the application cannot be denied (early) for failure to provide information. It must instead be denied for failure to complete the interview process and denied on the 30th day per item b. above.


  3. Failure to Provide Required Information/Cooperation - For cash, food assistance and child care, an application shall be denied after a period of 10 days from the date of a written request for information, but no later than 30 (food assistance/child care) and 45 (cash) days from the date of application when the applicant has failed to provide required information or cooperate with eligibility requirements.

    For food assistance and TANF, the applicant must be informed orally and in writing of the 10-day standard and the date by which the verification /cooperation must be received.

    If the information is subsequently received or the household cooperates within the 30 (food assistance/child care) and/or 45 (cash) day application processing time period, the application shall be reactivated and, if eligible, benefits prorated from the date of application. For all programs except food assistance, if the information/cooperation is not received within the above time frames, then the client must re-apply. See NOTES that follow.

    NOTE: Food Assistance Only - If the information/cooperation is not received within the 30-day application processing time period, and the household does cooperate or provide information within the second 30 days of the date of application, the application shall be reactivated and, if eligible, benefits prorated from the date the required information/cooperation was received. The date of application shall be the date the required information/cooperation was received.

  4. Another Agency Assumes Responsibility - The agency may dispose of the application if another agency assumes complete responsibility for meeting the applicant's need.

  5. Cannot be Located - The agency may dispose of the application if the applicant has moved and cannot be located. The agency shall not send a notice of decision.

  6. Dies - The agency may dispose of a cash assistance or food assistance application if the applicant dies before the application is processed and there is no surviving spouse living in the home. If there is a spouse, the agency shall send a notice of the decision which shall include a statement that if the spouse is in need that person may wish to discuss his or her situation with the agency.

  7. Failure to Meet Work Related Requirements (Cash) - The agency may deny the application for cash assistance for the mandatory filing unit if an individual member has a potential employment violation or an applicant work program assignment failure. If the individual is not able to act in own behalf, only the individual is ineligible.

    NOTE: If the individual cooperates in the 45 day processing timeframe, the application is reinstated and benefits prorated from the date of application (see 3522).

1414.3 Pending - If a decision cannot be made on an application within the applicable timely processing period because of agency delay, the application shall not be denied. The worker shall notify the applicant(s) that its application is still pending, and what action, it must take to complete the application process and what date the action must be taken or the case will be denied.