Any adult member of the household who is a fugitive felon, probation or parole violator, disqualified for a fraud conviction, or an ineligible non-citizen is ineligible for employment services.


In addition to participating in assigned activities, clients are expected to:



3100.1 Work Requirements for Applicants


  1. TANF Applicants

    1. During the initial interview the EES eligibility worker will discuss: 

    2.  Cooperation in employment service requirements, and

    3.  The need for domestic violence services.

      Applicants who identify as victims of sexual harassment or survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking and indicate they cannot safely participate in other work activities will be referred to the Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault (DV/SA) provider unless they state they do not want DV/SA services. The eligibility worker will notify the career navigator, in collaboration with the client, if a referral is made to the DV/SA provider.

    4. TANF applicants who are mandatory employment service participants are required to complete and sign the Self-Assessment Form (E-6), complete the online Employment Services orientation tutorial (http://content.dcf.ks.gov/SD/WPOHTML), actively seek employment, and meet all work-related requirements during the application process, unless they are exempt (See 2251) or good cause as defined in KEESM 3530 is established. See Section 3330.9 for special rules regarding TANF clients who have experienced sexual harassment, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking.

    5. The MFU will not be eligible for TANF benefits until documentation has been provided that all employment services mandatory participants have completed both the self-assessment and the tutorial (see 2121).

    6. Mandatory disqualified members (drug felons, refused SBDT, and failed SBDT) residing in eligible TANF households will be contacted by Employment Services and given information about employment services opportunities, community support services and/or vocational rehabilitation services. TANF time limits will be explained and an opportunity to enroll in employment activities will be offered. No penalty will be assessed if the disqualified member chooses not to participate.

    7. Exempt TANF applicants/clients who volunteer may be served with employment services although mandatory clients take precedence. All TANF adults who are exempt from employment services requirements, due to being needed in the home to care for a disabled household member, will be referred to employment services and given the opportunity to volunteer. Information about employment service opportunities, community support services and/or vocational rehabilitation services will be provided. TANF time limits will be explained and an opportunity to enroll in employment activities will be offered. No penalty will be assessed if the exempt adult chooses not to participate.

  2. Food Assistance Employment and Training (E&T) Applicants

    1. Each Food Assistance household member, ages 16-59, who is not exempt from work requirements is required to register for work. See work related exemptions in 3200 and 3220.

    2. All Food Assistance applicants 18-59 without children on the food assistance case and no longer in high school must be screened and, when appropriate, referred to the Food Assistance Mandatory Employment and Training  (E&T) program.

Eligibility staff must screen mandatory applicants to determine if they meet a Work Registrant and/or ABAWD exemption.  If they do not meet an exemption, they must be screened to determine if it is reasonable for them to participate in a mandatory employment program and if there is an available activity in the program.

If an eligibility worker determines an applicant cannot work or successfully participate in 30 hours per week of Food Assistance Mandatory E&T employment activities, prudent person principles will be used to screen the applicant as not appropriate for Food Assistance Mandatory E&T. See KEESM  3340 for activities. When an applicant is screened out, this must be documented in the case file.

    1. Food Assistance applicants and all adult household members who are not exempt from work requirements must register for work and be read the Consolidated Work Requirements form Appendix E-26. See KEESM 2527 for the definition of a Work Registrant.

    2. Food Assistance applicants and all adult household members who are not exempt from or screened out of Food Assistance Mandatory E&T must be read the Consolidated Work Requirements form Appendix E-26. See KEESM 2521, 3310 and 3320 for exemptions.

3100.2 Work Requirements for Recipients


  1. TANF Recipients


    1. Clients who receive both TANF and food assistance will meet work related/self-sufficiency requirements by participating in the TANF Employment Services program.

    2. Following approval of TANF and prior to completion of the Self-Sufficiency Agreement (Appendix E-8), individuals should be involved in appropriate activities. The complete assessment is expected to occur within 90 days of the approval of TANF.

    3. Client will continue to job search until they meet with the career navigator to develop a self-sufficiency agreement. A transportation allowance to support job search efforts may be issued until the recipient meets with the career navigator and a new activity assignment is determined. Further assessments may be administered as determined necessary by the career navigator.

    4. Individuals who are determined to be ready for work should be assigned to appropriate activities. Assignment to such activities should be client directed and based on the individual client’s skill level, situation and needs.

    5. All TANF adults who are exempt from Employment Services program requirements, due to being needed in the home to care for a disabled household member, will be referred to employment services and given the opportunity to volunteer. Information about employment service opportunities, community support services and/or vocational rehabilitation services will be provided. TANF time limits will be explained and an opportunity to enroll in activities will be offered. No penalty will be assessed if the exempt adult chooses not to participate.

  1. Food Assistance Mandatory Employment and Training (E&T) Recipients

    1. Work Registrants 18-59 without children on the food assistance case, who are not exempt, must participate in the Food Assistance Mandatory E&T program for at least 30 hours per week.

    2. If a food assistance recipient reports a loss of their work requirement exemption and/or changes to the household circumstances, the Consolidated Work Notice will be generated and mailed through KEES, and the Appendix E-26 Work Registration process must be followed. See KEESM 3230.2 and 2527. If a recipient reports a possible Work Registration and/or ABAWD exemption to a career navigator, the career navigator will report that information to eligibility staff and close the Mandatory E&T program.

      If the client reports a change in circumstances that makes participation in the Mandatory E&T program unreasonable, the career navigator will report that information to the non-compliance coordinator who will screen the client for participation.