3120 Employment Services Initial Appointment

3120.1 TANF Initial Appointment - The career navigator has the obligation to review and/or present information to all mandatory TANF participants either in a group setting or one on one (see TANF Coding Chart for Work Programs in the Appendix E-1). The following topics must be reviewed:



The Employment Services orientation tutorial will be accessible online so the client has the necessary information to make informed decisions. The orientation may only be altered with EES Administration approval. Unless exempt according to KEESM 2251, all TANF applicants who are mandatory for Employment Services must complete orientation prior to being approved for benefits. Orientation should be given separately from assessments and provider information events.


A substance use screening will be requested for TANF clients who are mandatory for Employment Services after they have been approved for benefits. Clients disqualified due to a drug felony will be referred for a substance use screening only if they agree to participate in Employment Services activities. If services are declined, the career navigator will inform the client they may request to participate at any time by contacting the career navigator. No additional disqualification will be applied. Those who initially decline to participate in Employment Services will be offered additional opportunities to participate after receiving TANF for 6 months and every 6 months thereafter. It is recommended that the substance use screening (i.e. SASSI, UNCOPE, etc.) as defined by the contractor be completed within the first 90 days of TANF approval and is required to be completed by the 12th month of TANF assistance. All cases that do not have the substance use screening completed within the first 90 days must have the extension approved by the Employment Services Program Administrator. The substance use screening may still be given at group orientation if it is the best practice for the office.


It is also important to inform participants prior to the start of substance use screening that, depending on the results of the screening, a follow-up evaluation might be requested to determine more specific and accurate information. The results of the follow-up evaluation are shared with the individual and incorporated in the individual's decision-making process and plan development for achieving the individual's maximum level of self-sufficiency.


All other initial assessments (Self Assessment, ONet*, etc.) should be reviewed in a face-to-face meeting with the career navigator.


3120.2 Food Assistance Mandatory Employment and Training (E&T) Initial Appointment - All Food Assistance Mandatory E&T referral tasks must be worked within 10 days and the client must be scheduled for an assessment appointment. The assessment appointment should be scheduled within 15 days of working the task. The career navigator has the obligation to review and/or present information to all food assistance recipients who are mandatory for Food Assistance Mandatory E&T.  This orientation may be conducted with the assessment and can be conducted in either a group setting or one-on-one.  The following topics should be reviewed:



The Orientation/Assessment appointment must include the following: Self Assessment, ONet*, and Self-Sufficiency Agreement.  If possible, this should take place in a face-to-face meeting with the career navigator.