3411 Support Services Specific to TANF and GOALS Work Program Participation - Work program support services are available for mandatory and exempt TANF applicants and recipientsas well as GOALS participants. In addition to support services for participation in ES activities, transportation and Special Services Allowances may also be available to TANF mandatory/voluntary cash eligible clients who lose cash eligibility. See 3410 for specific requirements when authorizing a support service payment.

TANF applicants who obtain employment while in applicant status may be eligible for transportation and Special Services Allowance if there is an identified need for employment related services (i.e., purchase of uniforms, transportation, car repair, etc.).

TANF applicants participating in Job Search/Job Readiness may be given a transportation allowance payment using the Job Search/Job Readiness activity. The payment will be based on the applicant’s need.

Transportation and special service allowance is available for employment related needs of TANF applicants who obtain employment while in applicant status and the application for cash assistance is denied. Payment of transportation for employment related needs of these denied TANF applicants is limited to authorization in the month of TANF application and the month following the month of application.


3411.1 Transportation - Since transportation is cited by many clients as a major barrier in finding and keeping employment, ongoing communication with the client regarding transportation issues and resources is essential. Designated DCF staff are encouraged to establish and maintain communication with the Coordinated Transit District in their Region. This will assure that the public transportation providers who receive federal and state funding are made aware of the transportation needs of individuals looking for and maintaining employment. Transportation allowances for TANF clients are available to support activities, including employment. Transportation for any activity shall be based on need.


More than one transportation allowance may be approved as needed when a TANF client is involved in more than one approved activity (including employment). For TANF clients who lose cash eligibility, the transportation allowance is available during the 12 months following the loss of cash assistance if the client is employed in the month for which the payment is issued. See 3410 for specific requirements when authorizing a support service payment.


3411.2 Special Services Allowance - This allowance should be used to obtain goods and services (except transportation) needed to participate in an approved activity. This allowance is also available for expenses or needs related to accepting or maintaining employment for employed individuals. For TANF clients who lose cash eligibility, the Special Services Allowance is available to cover expenses during the first 12 months following the loss of cash assistance. See 3410 for specific requirements when authorizing a support service payment.


NOTE: This allowance should not be used to pay fines resulting from civil and legal judgments. The Special Services Allowance shall not be used to pay for work site injury costs that exceed the allowed Medicaid rate.


NOTE: Examples of services and/or items that may be purchased with this allowance include uniforms, eyeglasses, vehicle repairs, and the billed rate for cosmetic procedures not covered by Medicaid. An example would be dentures.


  1. Vehicle Purchase - The Special Services Allowance may also be used to purchase a vehicle. Vehicle purchase shall be considered only when public transportation is not available or is inadequate to meet the client's transportation needs. All available transportation options must be thoroughly explored prior to authorizing a vehicle purchase. Documentation to substantiate the need for the vehicle purchase must be included in the case file.
    1. All vehicle purchases must be approved by an ES Program Administrator or their designee.
    2. Only one vehicle purchase per life time is allowed. In rare and extenuating circumstances exceptions may be approved by the ES Program Administrator.
    3. Only moderately priced vehicles may be purchased. The selling price of the vehicle must be equal to or lower than the Kelley Blue Book or NADA suggested retail value.

      A vehicle purchased directly by the state of Kansas for a client is not exempt from Kansas sales taxes. Prior authorization is required for vehicles with a purchase price of $5,000 or over.

      Vehicles purchased through the Department of Corrections, State Surplus Property Division do not require prior authorization.
    4. Prior to purchase, vehicles must receive a vehicle repair/safety inspection conducted by a mechanic who does not represent the purchase source. The maximum payment for an inspection is limited to $150 per vehicle. Charges more than $150 must receive supervisory approval. A copy of the inspection report must be obtained for the case file. Suggested repair work must be negotiated in the vehicle purchase price to assure repairs are completed in a timely manner to prevent the occurrence of major breakdowns.

      Vehicles purchased through the Department of Corrections, State Surplus Property Division do not require an inspection.
    5. The client for whom vehicle purchase is being considered must possess a valid Kansas driver's license. Verification of the license validity must be obtained from Kansas Department of Revenue (KDOR) records.
    6. The client's driving record must be reviewed using KDOR records. If the client has been cited for a major driving violation the career navigator shall determine with the client that the barrier has been resolved prior to vehicle purchase.
    7. KDOR records must be reviewed for indications of the client's insurability. Plans for a minimum of six months insurance coverage shall be in place at the time of vehicle purchase.
    8. The vehicle is to be titled in the client's name only or if married in the name of the client and spouse.
    9. KDOR records must be reviewed to determine if other vehicles are registered in the client's name. If the client does own another vehicle the case file shall contain documentation to substantiate why the vehicle is not being utilized, used as a trade in or disposed of in an appropriate manner.
    10. A written Statement of Understanding (ES-4313) signed by the client must be maintained in the case file.
  2. Guidelines for Vehicle Repair - Prior to authorizing a payment for vehicle repair the following items shall be considered and documented in the case file:
    1. Is the vehicle registered in the client's name?
    2. If not, is the vehicle the only resource available to meet the client's transportation needs?
    3. Is the vehicle currently insured?
    4. Does the client have a valid driver's license?
  3. Relocation for Employment and/or Approved Job Skills Training, Vocational Education Allowance - TANF and GOALS clients who move to accept a verified job offer or maintain full-time employment (working a minimum of 30 hours weekly, and receiving weekly earnings at least equal to the federal minimum wage multiplied by 30 hours) or to participate in approved Job Skills Training/Vocational Education may be eligible for a maximum $2,000.00 relocation allowance. This allowance may be used to pay rent, deposits (utilities and rent), moving van rentals, and mileage for moving expenses. Payments must only be made for verified expenses and that verification must be included in the case file. This allowance is limited to a maximum $2,000.00 per employment relocation and $2,000.00 per approved Job Skills Training/Vocational Education relocation per client during a 12-month period.

    This allowance may be authorized during the first 12 months of cash ineligibility for TANF clients. See 3410 for specific requirements when authorizing a support service payment.
  1. Work Assessment Reimbursement Allowance - TANF clients may be compensated for the time at a work site to assess current skills.

    The Work Assessment Reimbursement Allowance is exempt income for all programs.




3411.4 Child Care - TANF and GOALS clients participating in a work program activity may be eligible for Child Care Assistance. Child care plan hours authorization should correspond with expected hours of work program activity.