TO: EES Program Administrators
FROM: Sandra Kimmons
DATE: 02/23/2023
SUBJECT: Implementation Instructions - KEESM Revision #109
This memo provides implementation instructions and information for the following 04/01/2023 policy changes in the Kansas Economic and Employment Services Manual (KEESM).
- Each state must certify that it has established and is enforcing standards and procedures to ensure that applicants and potential applicants for TANF are notified of assistance made available by the state to victims of sexual harassment and survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking.
- The Interview Template has been revised and went into effect March 15, 2023
- The ES-4416 Sexual Harassment/Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault or Stalking Referral Form will be used by Eligibility to complete referrals beginning March 15, 2023.
- The agency will ensure that staff responsible for administering the TANF program are trained in:
- the nature and dynamics of sexual harassment, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking
- state standards and procedures relating to the prevention of, and assistance for, individuals who are victims of sexual harassment or survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking
- methods of ascertaining and ensuring the confidentiality of personal information and documentation related to applicants for assistance and their children who have provided notice about their experiences of sexual harassment, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking.
- Two types of training will be provided:
- Tier 1 training is a 1-hour virtual (online), self-driven course and is available through Kansas Learning and Performance Management system. Following positions are required to complete this training:
- Human Services Assistant
- Human Services Specialist
- Human Services Supervisor
- Human Services Consultant
- Program Administrators and Assistant Program Administrators
- Regional Directors and Assistant Regional Directors
- Administration Staff Positions as determined.
2. Tier 2 training is an extensive one day facilitator-led in-person or virtual training. The following positions are required to complete this training (access Kansas Learning and Performance Management system to sign up for this training):
- Career Navigators for TANF, GOALS, FA E&T
- Employment Services Program Administrators
- Employment Services Assistant Program Administrators
- Administration Staff Positions as determined