7200 - Deductions from Income


7210 Deductions for Cash Programs - The following deductions are used in cash programs to determine countable income.


7211 Persons Included in the Assistance Plan - For persons with earnings who are included in the assistance plan, the following amounts shall be disregarded from the total nonexempt gross earned income (or adjusted gross for self-employed persons). The disregards shall be applied to each person in the plan who has earnings. If more than one person has earnings, separate calculations are required.


  1. Work-related expenses of $90 for each employed person. The following items are included in the work-related expense: all income taxes; lunches; tools; special uniforms; transportation to and from work or child care providers; parking; and other work-related expenses.

  2. For TANF cash assistance,60% of the remainder of the person's monthly gross earnings after application of the $90 work expense.

    This disregard shall not be applied for initially establishing or re-establishing eligibility for a person unless the person was eligible for and received TANF (including the Work Incentive payment) in Kansas in one of the four preceding months. If eligibility without the 60% disregard is established, the benefit amount shall be determined allowing the 60% disregard.

  1. For TANF cash assistance, expenses incurred for the care of a child or other dependent which are necessary for the person to accept or continue employment, seek employment, or attend training or pursue education which is preparatory to employment to the extent that the person is not otherwise reimbursed for the care. (Note that the deduction will benefit persons with earnings only.) Expenses are allowable only for children or dependents in the home and in the family group. The obligation to pay dependent care is to be verified before the expense can be allowed, if questionable. Also refer to 1322.2 (4).

    The child/incapacitated person care deduction shall be applied after application of the $90 and 60% earned income disregards specified above.


7212 Persons Not Included in the Assistance Plan - If a legally responsible person or mandatory filing unit member (see 4113) in the household is excluded from the assistance plan, all of that person's nonexempt gross earned and unearned income shall be considered. No income disregards shall be allowed.