9370 Frequency of Reviews - For all programs, cases are to be reviewed via the application form except review extensions. The length of the review periods are noted below; however, all programs except Child Care Assistance allow a review period for less than 12 months to be established when needed to match the review period on an existing program. For food assistance, the review period must be minimum of 6 months when matching an existing program. Child Care Assistance review periods must always be set for 12 months.


NOTE: For all programs except child care, an established review may be completed early in order to align a review in one program with the review in another program. If this is done on a food assistance case subject to simplified reporting, the IR due date will be adjusted automatically by the system based on the new review end date. Established review periods are not, however, to be shortened by notifying the household via a Notice of Eligibility Review, in order to align a review in one program with the review period for another program. In addition, if the household fails to comply with any aspects of the review for the other program, the program where the review is being done early shall not be negatively affected, other than acting on changes reported on the review form.

Food assistance review is due in March. The TANF review is due in January. When the review application for TANF is received (provided all food assistance information is complete) in January, a review for food assistance may also be completed. A new review period is established and a new IR due date will be automatically determined and entered based on the new review end date. If the household fails to show for an interview for the TANF review, the food assistance case cannot be closed for that reason. Alternately, instead of doing the food assistance review early, the food assistance review period can be established as 10 months when the review is done in March in order to align the next food assistance review with the TANF review.