KEESM 02-01-23
    1000 Administrative Information
    2000 General Eligibility
    3000 Self-Sufficiency Activities
    4000 Assistance Planning With Individual Applicants/Recipients
    5000 Resources
    6000 Income
       6100 Income
       6200 Unearned Income
       6300 Earned Income
       6400 Exempt Income
          6410 Income Exempt as Income Only and Income Exempt as Income and a Resource
          6410 #1 Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act Accounts (All Programs)
          6410 #2 Adoption Support, Foster Care and Permanent Custodianship Subsidy
          6410 #3 Agent Orange (All Programs)
          6410 #4 Alaska Native Claims (All Programs)
          6410 #5 Aleut Income (All Programs)
          6410 #6 AmeriCorps (All Programs)
          6410 #7 Assistance Payments
          6410 #8 Census Earned Income (All Programs)
          6410 #9 Charitable Donations (All Programs)
          6410 #10 Child Care Payments (All Programs)
          6410 #11 Child Support
          6410 #12 Children's Earnings
          6410 #13 Combat Pay (All Programs)
          6410 #14 Crime Victims Fund (All Programs)
          6410 #15 Death Benefits
          6410 #16 Disaster Payments (All Programs)
          6410 #17 Donated Foods (All Programs)
          6410 #18 Earned Income Tax Credits (All Programs)
          6410 #19 Educational Income (All Programs)
          6410 #20 Energy Assistance (All Programs)
          6410 #21 Family Subsidy (All Programs)
          6410 #22 Filipino Veterans Equity Compensation Fund (All Programs)
          6410 #23 Food Assistance (All Programs)
          6410 #24 Foster Care (Food Assistance)
          6410 #25 Foster Grandparents
          6410 #26 Gifts (All Programs)
          6410 #27 Health Profession Opportunity Grants (HPOG) (All Programs)
          6410 #28 Holocaust Survivors (All Programs)
          6410 #29 Hostile Fire Pay (All Programs)
          6410 #30 Housing Assistance (All Programs)
          6410 #31 Independent Living Foster Care Payments (Food Assistance)
          6410 #32 Indian Monies
          6410 #33 Individual Development Accounts (All Programs)
          6410 #34 In-kind Income (All Programs)
          6410 #35 Interest to a Burial Fund (All Programs)
          6410 #36 Japanese Aliens (All Programs)
          6410 #37 Kinship Care payments (Food Assistance)
          6410 #38 Loans (All Programs)
          6410 #39 Lump Sums (All Programs)
          6410 #40 Mineral Rights and Oil Royalties
          6410 #41 Monies Withheld Voluntarily or Involuntarily
          6410 #42 National Community Services Act (Food Assistance)
          6410 #43 Older Americans Act (All Programs)
          6410 #44 PASS Plan
          6410 #45 Radiation Exposure (All Programs)
          6410 #46 Refugee Resettlement Program Funds (All Programs)
          6410 #47 Rehabilitation Services Payments (All Programs)
          6410 #48 Reimbursements
          6410 #49 Relocation Assistance (All Programs)
          6410 #50 Renal Dialysis (All Programs Except Food Assistance)
          6410 #51 Repair or Replacement Payments
          6410 #52 Repatriated Americans (All Programs)
          6410 #53 Ricky Ray Hemophilia Act Fund (All Programs)
          6410 #54 SCORE or ACE (All Programs)
          6410 #55 Senior Health Aides (All Programs)
          6410 #56 Shared Living (All Programs)
          6410 #57 SSI (All Programs Except Food Assistance)
          6410 #58 Tax Refunds (All Programs)
          6410 #59 Third Party Beneficiary Payments (Food Assistance)
          6410 #60 Trust for a VA Child (All Programs)
          6410 #61 VA Payments
          6410 #62 Vendor Payments (All Programs)
          6410 #63 VISTA
          6410 #64 Work Employment Programs Payments (All Programs)
          6410 #65 Work Opportunities Reward Kansans Payments (WORK)
          6410 #66 Workforce Investment Act (WIA)
          6410 #67 Youth Service Corps
       6500 Treatment Of Income And Deductions Of Persons Not Included In The Assistance Plan
    7000 Budgeting of Income and Determination of Financial Eligibility
    8000 Reserved
    9000 Reporting Changes, Transfer Of Assistance And Reviews
    10000 Child Care Providers
    11000 Incorrect Benefits And Fraud Determinations
    12000 Reserved
    13000 Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP)
KEESM Appendix
KEESM Miscellaneous Forms
KEESM Summary of Changes and SCLs
Implementation and COLA Memos
Policy Memos
KEESM Past Revisions
Web Links
Printing Instructions