10100 KDHE Approval Procedures And Enforcement Actions - "See Policy Memo #01-03-03 re: "Child Care Provider Agreement Denial or Termination".


This section lists actions taken by KDHE when licensing a provider, and denying, revoking, suspending or terminating a license. This section is informational for DCF staff to assist in understanding child care regulatory processes and in understanding certain documents forwarded by KDHE.


10110 KBI and Child Abuse Registry Check


  1. All licensed providers must submit to KDHE a Request for KBI and Child Abuse Registry Check (KDHE-ACCF, CCL-002) with their application and at the time any individual over ten years of age begins residing, substituting, working or volunteering in the facility. KDHE forwards a copy of the form to the KBI and to the DCF Central Registry for a Child Abuse and Neglect Registry Check on those individuals.

  2. The Central Registry informs KDHE when the name of a person has been validated as a perpetrator of child abuse, neglect or sexual abuse, and is prohibited from working, residing or volunteering in a child care home or facility. The provider or center is not in compliance with K.S.A. 65-516 (a)(1)(3) if the person continues to work, reside or volunteer in the child care home or center.

10111 On-Site Licensing Visit - The purpose of the licensing visit by the local health department/child care licensing surveyor is to inform the provider of the requirements and to evaluate compliance. Additional visits may be made by the local health department or KDHE to verify that needed corrections have been made within designated time frames, or to follow up on complaints on all types of licensed facilities. Failure to comply with regulations will result in termination of the provider enrollment agreement with the child care subsidy program.

10112 Exceptions and Amendments


  1. In exception to a regulation may be granted by KDHE if it is documented that granting the exception is in the best interest of children and their families and if the exception does not compromise the health and safety of children.

  2. An amendment to a license may be issued by KDHE, if there is a change in name, capacity, age range, number of units or change in program or services.

  3. The letter of approval for amendment or exception must be posted by the license at the facility.

  4. No change in licensing status is to be made before approval is obtained from KDHE.

10113 Closure - Closure of facilities may be voluntary or enforced because of non-compliance with KDHE regulations.