9373 Reserved
9374 Review Periods for Child Care - Reviews shall be completed every 12 months. An initial review period for less than 12 months may not be established. Although benefits may begin with the date of application, that 12-month period should be calculated starting the 1st day of the month following the month that benefits are authorized or the first month for which benefits are authorized, whichever is later. See KEESM 7640 for situations in which the case may be closed prior to the end of the 12-month review period.
At the 12-month review, if the household’s income remains below 85% of the State Median Income (SMI), the household will be approved for another year of eligibility.
NOTE: No formal review is required for child care cases for children in foster care or for children whose parent or caretaker is participating in the TANF work program.
9375 Review Periods for Work Programs - Review requirements for Work programs cases are completed through periodic progress reviews. Progress reviews shall be ongoing and provide an assessment of the individuals progress in the assigned component. Each component has specific progress review requirements. See 3310. Documentation of the completed progress review should be maintained in the case file.