10260 Special Types of Payments


  1. Substitute Care - Providers should be encouraged to find a substitute provider to come into their facility for temporary care per KDHE regulations.

    When a client needs a substitute provider outside the facility, the client should choose a second DCF approved provider and notify EES staff in advance, if possible, or within 10 days of the substitution. Child care plans shall not be modified for substitute care as clients will be able to pay the substitute provider with EBT benefits. 

  2. Enrollment Fees - DCF can subsidize clients $10 per child towards a one-time enrollment fee for an approved provider if the provider charges an enrollment fee to the private sector. If the provider charges a family enrollment fee instead of a per child fee, DCF may pay $10 per child with a ceiling of $25 for all children in the household. Whether the provider charges a family enrollment fee or per child enrollment fee, the $25 ceiling still applies to the household. 

    If the provider charges the private sector more than the maximum benefit and will not accept the maximum DCF payment benefit as full payment, the client will be responsible to pay the difference. DCF will subsidize no more than the maximum in a 12 month period. If client chooses to change providers within a 12-month period, the client will be responsible to pay the additional enrollment fee, if necessary.

    A membership fee to an organization which entitles the member to other benefits in addition to child care shall not be considered an enrollment fee.

    Enrollment fees are made as an exception payment on KsCares.

    Clients should request this type of payment from DCF.

  3. Transportation Fees - Transportation fees for child care shall not be subsidized by DCF. If the provider charges the private sector for transportation, DCF clients may also be charged.

  4. Enhanced Rate for Special Care - Parents of children with a physical, emotional, or mental disability may request an enhanced benefit rate for child care services. Approval from regional child care provider enrollment staff is necessary to authorize the enhanced rate.

    Enhanced rates are available to children in all subtypes of child care and should be based upon the individual needs of the child (the child's condition may not require additional accommodation or an enhanced child care rate). The parent's eligibility for a specific child care subtype should determine which subtype is used.

    Examples may include:

    1. A child with multiple casts or a body cast who cannot participate in regular activities; or

    2. A child who requires injections for a specific diagnosis or condition; or

    3. This     rate is available for children who have been identified by a physician, therapist, social worker, early childhood or special education specialist, or public health nurse as having one or more disabilities such as:

      • A developmental delay;
      • A mild, moderate, or severe handicap;
      • A visual, language, or hearing impairment; or

      • A history of social/emotional problems resulting in expulsion from multiple care situations.


Documentation of the child's disability must be provided by a party other than the care provider. Additional information must be provided by the care provider indicating the type of enhanced child care being provided to the child and what type of education or training the provider possesses in order to provide the care.  Short term conditions requiring an enhanced rate should be time limited and reviewed within 90 days.

NOTE: In order for a child care plan to be set up for the enhanced (special purpose/special needs) rate, the provider must be indicated as appropriate on PRRA. CHCP must also indicate the appropriate payment type. For benefits paid at the enhanced rate, CAMA must indicate an IP plan type. See the 07-01-07 Rev. 32 Implementation Memo.


  1. The Three-hour Minimum - When a client requests child care services for less than three hours a day, a plan may be authorized for a minimum block of three hours if the facility is open at least three hours and the provider charges the private sector for a minimum of three hours.

10270 Payments for In-Home Relative Child Care - DCF pays a standard rate for in-home child care regardless of county of residence. This rate is $1.72/hour for the State. The provider shall not be a member of the KsCares case or physical household.