3130 Assessment Process - The work program assessment is an on-going process which consists of engagement, information gathering, and documentation. The self-assessment, now a part of eligibility, will assist in this process. Upon approval of TANF benefits, the client will be required to complete the SASSI and Self-Assessment to help determine an appropriate work program assignment. All additional assessments to determine barriers to employment or hardship should be initiated no later than the 8th month of assistance and must be completed by the 12th month of assistance. If during application, the client reports incidents of domestic violence or sexual assault (DV/SA) a referral will be made to a local DV/SA provider by the case manager. Upon approval of cash benefits and opening of the work program case, the client will be referred to DSA for contracted services. If during application, the client provides documentation they cannot work because they have physical or mental limitations, the case manager will excuse them from job search during application. The case manager may refer these clients directly to Rehabilitation Services prior to TANF approval. Upon TANF approval, the case manager may require additional documentation and will advise the client that all documentation will be subject to a second opinion. Once the client’s limitations are assessed, the case manager will meet with the client and placed them in an appropriate employment focused activity. The case manager will work regularly with the client to assure they are performing at the highest level their limitations will allow as per assessments, medical evaluations and career screens.

If the client is involved with DSA or DES (Rehabilitation Services) they will still be expected to complete the self-assessment and the SASSI screening if appropriate.

3130.1 Engagement - Building rapport and establishing trust are important for client/case manager collaboration. The initial contacts with the client set the tone for a successful partnership. Listening is an important communication skill. Determine the following:



3130.2 Gather Information - Information about the client is gathered during conversations and interactions, with the case manager. Specific screenings and assessment tools help identify strengths and barriers, to assist in the client/case manager collaboration for work program assignment. Supervisory approval is required for any exception to client’s completion of the assessment process.


Documentation of assessments will be placed in the case file and noted on the KSCARES WOPA screen.


Required screenings within the first 90 days include:



These screenings are administered during the initial assessment process to all work program clients except when there is no local resource available for the LEP individual.

Additional assessments may occur within the first 12 months of TANF benefits and should be initiated by the 8th month to assure their completion by month 12. If a client self-declares a mental or physical disability after the first 12 months of TANF benefits, the client will be responsible to set appointments and pay for additional assessments that may be needed to verify their disability. The case manager will inform the client that all verification they provide will be subject to a second opinion.



Additional follow-up guidance is provided in Appendix, Item #E-14.


Much of the information gathered during the work program assessment process is used to meet the required protocol prior to terminating a TANF case due to the 24-month time limit (see 2242).


The client may be referred to a RS Career Development Center (RS CDC), other contracted provider, Rehabilitation Services or Mental Health Center for further assessment.


The Self Assessment Tool (Appendix #E-6) should be completed each time the client applies for assistance.


3130.3 Documentation - Information obtained during the assessment is documented in the case record and on the KSCARES WOPA screen.


The Self-Sufficiency Agreement documents the collaboration between the client and the EES case manager to establish the short term strategies and employment/self-sufficiency goals. Client strengths, information from assessment interviews, tests, community resources, barriers, available program components and services are considered in the mutual development of the Agreement.


The EES case manager and the client will determine the appropriate component activity based upon the client goals, assessment data, and available local resources. If the assessment report indicates continuing mental health needs, areas should collaborate with Mental Health Center (MHC) for treatment and/or case management. Identified barriers such as substance abuse and/or domestic violence will need to be addressed early in the work program participation.