2150 Residence - A client must be a resident of the state.
For all programs except the Food Assistance Program, a resident is one
who is living in the state voluntarily and not for a temporary purpose
(i.e., with no intention of leaving). Temporary absence from the state,
with subsequent returns to the state, or intent to return when the purpose
of the absence has been accomplished shall not interrupt continuity of
residence. See also 2223
regarding temporary absence of children or parents. In addition, individuals
who continue to receive a Kansas state supplementary payment while living
out-of-state are regarded as Kansas residents.
For the Food Assistance Program, Individuals must live in the state, but
are not required to have the intent to permanently reside in the state
in which they make application. Individuals in the state solely for vacation
purposes are not considered residents. A fixed living or mailing address
is not required. Homeless individuals are considered residents.
Temporary absence from the state exists when a visit for a period of less
than one calendar month is made out of the state and the intent is to
return. Household members away from home because of a vacation or illness
will maintain their household member status if they are in the home during
any part of the calendar month. If the absence is to cover a full calendar
month, the individual(s) should be removed from the household. When a
client notifies the agency of a move to another state with the intent
to reside there, the client must be informed in writing that assistance
is being discontinued giving timely and adequate notice.
2151 Duplicate Benefits - Residence can be established in a month regardless of whether the person has received benefits from another state in that month. However for cash and food assistance purposes, benefits cannot be provided in any month in which the client has received such benefits in another state. In addition, for food assistance purposes, (1) no individual may participate as a member of more than one household, unless an individual is a resident of a shelter for battered persons and children as defined in 2543 and was a member of a household containing the person who has abused her; and (2) no individual may participate in the Food Assistance Program and the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) in the same month. Also see KEESM 11221.1 and 4212.2. Persons disqualified from FDPIR for fraud cannot participate in food assistance until the disqualification period has expired. Verification of whether a person is getting FDPIR or not needs to now include a question about fraud disqualification. For cash assistance, benefits cannot be provided in any month in which the client has received such benefits from a tribally operated TANF program.
Persons who move from another state can receive child care benefits in Kansas in the month he or she moves from that state.