2522 Regaining Eligibility - Individuals denied eligibility under this provision must be given the opportunity to regain eligibility in the food assistance program if during a 30-day period, the individual:


  1. works 80 or more hours per month; or
  2. participates and complies with the requirements of a WIOA or a TAA program for 80 or more hours.

NOTE: ABAWDs that are in the third countable month must have the opportunity to meet the work requirement during the third month.


Once the individual regains eligibility as stated above, they shall remain eligible as long as they work or participate in Mandatory Food Assistance E&T, WIOA or TAA program (or other approved program) for 30 hours or more per week (averaged monthly).

2523 One-time Three Month Extension - An individual who regains eligibility as stated in 2522 and then loses their job shall remain eligible for a 3 consecutive months extension if they continue to meet mandatory E&T requirements. This 3-month extension of eligibility is available only one time in the 36-month period. This 3-month extension of eligibility begins on the date the individual first notifies the state that he or she has lost the job. In the case of a single individual whose case has been closed, a reapplication for food assistance must also be completed before eligibility can be determined.


Example: Single individual (ABAWD) applies for food assistance on July 8th and is found eligible to receive a one-time 3-month extension. Extension months are determined to be August, September, and October. A referral is made to E&T program. On August 10th E&T Program notifies the Non-Compliance Coordinator that the individual is not cooperating with E&T Program. The Non-Compliance Coordinator determines there is no good cause for not cooperating and potential employment violation is processed discontinuing food assistance effective September 30th. Individual has received their one-time 3-month extension and will no longer be eligible for an extension during the 36-month period.

2524 Establishing the 3-Month Period - A prorated month of eligibility shall not be counted as one of the three months of receiving benefits without meeting the work requirement, nor shall a prorated month count as the first month of the one-time three-month extension.

2525 Review Periods - Cases with ABAWDs (as defined in 2527 (1)), identified at application shall be certified for 12 months. Follow-up alerts, as appropriate, must be set to redetermine the individuals continued eligibility after the 3-month limit on receipt of benefits has been reached. Also see 9122.2 and 9372.

2526 Treatment of Income and Resources - Individuals found ineligible due to the ABAWD provisions shall be considered as excluded individuals and any income and resources will be considered in accordance with 5200 (8) and 6510 (2)(a) and 6520 (2)(a). Also see KEESM 4212.2.